Gluten Free Fruit & Cinnamon Protein Bars

Gluten Free Fruit & Cinnamon Protein Bars


Dry: 1 cup oat flour (I grind gluten free oats to make flour)
1/2c coconut flour
1/4c ground flaxseed
3 scoops vanilla protein powder (with approx 20g protein)
1tsp baking powder
1-2 tsp cinnamon
Stevia to taste ( I have powdered so I put it in the dry ingredients)

1/2c unsweetened applesauce
1c unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2c egg whites

Extra: 1/2 chopped apple or 1/2c berries



Sift together the dry ingredients in one bowl. Wisk together the wet ingredients. Stir wet ingredients into the dry and combine. Pour half of the batter into an 8×8 glass dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Sprinkle all or most of the fruit on the batter. Pour remaining batter over the top and add any fruit that is left. Bake at 350 for about 25min, until the edges are browning. Its OK if the middle isn’t perfectly set. Since it contains coconut flour it’s easy to overcook. They are best after completely cooling. Cut into 6 bars and store in the fridge.


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