Fiesta Fiber Bowl Recipe

Fiesta Fiber Bowl


1—10 oz. container grape tomatoes
1/2 small red onion
2 jalapenos
1 tsp ground coriander
2 tsp lemon juice
1 cup uncooked quinoa
1—14 oz. can black beans, drained
1 lime
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese


Cook quinoa in 2 cups water. While quinoa is cooking, dice tomatoes, red onion, and jalapenos. Place in a small bowl and stir in coriander and lemon juice. If you do not care for spicy foods, be sure to scrape out the jalapeno seeds and membranes while wearing gloves. After the quinoa is cooked, stir in rinsed black beans. Squeeze lime juice over quinoa and beans and toss. Stir in tomato mixture and serve. Sprinkle each serving with 2 Tbsp cheese or top with 1-2 Tbsp plain fat free Greek yogurt (optional, not pictured).

*For make ahead lunches, store the tomato mixture and quinoa/bean mixtures separate until just before eating. This will keep the quinoa from absorbing moisture from the tomatoes and becoming pasty.

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