Easy Breakfast Pie

Easy Breakfast Pie
Easy Breakfast Pie


3 sheets phyllo dough
12 fresh, free range eggs
200 grams nitrate free ham, diced
large handful fresh spinach, chopped
50 grams low fat cheddar cheese, shredded
approximately 1 tsp olive oil spray (I use an atomizer for my olive oil)
Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Whisk eggs and add salt and pepper.
Spray a bit of olive oil in pie pan. Lay a sheet of phyllo over it. Repeat with remaining two sheets of dough. Add the diced ham and chopped spinach to pan. Pour in whisked eggs. Top with the cheese
Roll edges of phyllo in to form a nice crust.
Spray crust with a bit more oil.
Bake for approximately 30-40 minutes. When the centre is firm it is ready!

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