Cauliflower Concoction

Cauliflower Concoction
Cauliflower Concoction


1 medium head of cauliflower
chopped garlic
olive oil (or butter)
cheese (shredded cheddar or parmesan)
seasoning of choice
sour cream (optional)


Clean and cut cauliflower into equal size pieces. Place in pot, add about a cup of water, bring to boil then reduce heat to medium. After about 10 minutes, add chopped garlic. I use about 3 tablespoons of pre-chopped garlic for convenience, but use as much (or little) as you like.

Cook cauliflower until tender, approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Be sure to check water level so pot doesn’t go dry and add a little more as necessary.

Side note: I don’t like to cook in a lot of water and then dump it because I don’t want to dump the nutrients too.

Puree cauliflower and garlic (I use an immersion blender) until desired smoothness. While this is on low heat, add ingredients of your choice. I add a few tablespoons of olive oil, some dollops of sour cream, salt and pepper, sometimes cayenne. Blend again.

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