Apple-Vanilla Zinger Protein Shake

Apple-Vanilla Zinger Protein Shake
Apple-Vanilla Zinger Protein Shake


1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Jay Robb Vanilla)
2 tbsp of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar
1 dash of lemon-flavored liquid Stevia (optional)
1 cup water
and 5 ice cubes


Blend all together on high for 45 seconds and then pour into a nice chilled mug and enjoy! A sweet, zingy, effervesent, high protein shake, that has all the appetite- suppressing benefits of apple cider vinegar as well as the many other benefits that go along with apple cider vinegar! Very sweet and satisfying!

(Optional: add a little lemon or lime juice, or other fruit for more zing. Make with hemp, brown rice, or pea protein to make it vegan!)

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