Healthy Brown Bag Lunches for Kids

Healthy Brown Bag Lunches for KidsWith the ever-increasing cost of school lunches, many parents are opting to send their kids to school with brown bag meals instead, especially those with more than one school-age child. Although these meals are cold, they can be just as healthy and every bit as satisfying. They will also save a considerable amount of money over hot lunchroom meals. Introduce your kids to these healthy brown bag lunches. They are perfect for school, outings and more.

 Whole-Grain Pita Bread Pizza

Kids absolutely love ready-to-eat cold pizza kits, but they typically cost more than the hot lunches at school. Assemble your own healthy brown bag lunches complete with whole-grain pita bread pizza. Supply the kids with whole-grain pita bread, a small container of pizza sauce, low-fat mozzarella cheese and diced boneless chicken or turkey. Kids enjoy these types of brown bag lunches because they can assemble their own mini pizzas, and they are just as good as or better than the expensive store-bought varieties. Consider packing diced green pepper, sliced olives and small pineapple chunks as well. Kids prefer these healthy pita bread pizzas to the store-bought kits, especially when they are allowed to help prepare their very own brown bag lunches.

Freeze Diced Fresh Fruit

Keeping brown bag lunches sufficiently cold is a concern, especially during the warmest months of the year. Freeze cubes of fresh fruit such as honeydew melon, strawberries, grapes and cantaloupe. Pre-pack and freeze zipper bags filled with fruit for healthy brown bag lunches. The fruit will keep the other food cold, and it will thaw just before lunchtime rolls around. If kids are not fond of fruit, consider adding natural fruit jam for dipping. They will love it!

Flavor Organic Low-Fat Yogurt

When looking for healthy brown bag lunch ideas for kids, consider packing organic low-fat all-natural yogurt instead of buying expensive flavored varieties that include cookie bits and candy. Kids do not usually prefer plain yogurt, but they love naturally sweet and healthy add-ins. In addition to low-fat yogurt, include a mixture of dried bits of fruit and a small amount of colored sprinkles. The sprinkles will not add many calories, but they will color the yogurt. The fruit will add natural sweetness and help make the yogurt more visually appealing.

Cut Up Low-Fat Cheese Cubes or Other Shapes

Ready-made low-fat cheese cubes are easy to use, but why purchase expensive products just for convenience? Buy blocks of low-fat cheese, and cut them into cubes or small shapes especially for brown bag lunches. Kids love cheese cubes or shapes. They are fun to eat, and they are loaded with calcium, protein, vitamin B-12, zinc and more.

 Prepare Baked Tortilla Chips

Ordinary chips are typically deep-fried in oil. They offer very little food value, but kids enjoy having something crunchy in their brown bag lunches. Prepare something healthy and budget-friendly instead of buying fat-laden chips from the store. Cut flour or corn tortillas into triangles, and bake them on a lightly greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until lightly brown and crisp. If desired, sprinkle them with a little sea salt or a favorite blend of finely ground seasonings. These are healthy brown bag snacks are great for school lunches, picnics or anytime.

Involve the kids when shopping and scheduling brown bag lunches for the week. Have them choose their favorite dried fruits to enhance plain low-fat yogurt, and ask them to select their favorite fruits for dicing and freezing. Prepare everything in advance. Not only will this simplify the process of assembling brown bag lunches, but they will also be much healthier than ordinary sandwiches, snack chips and sweet desserts.


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