
  1. forum_admin

    Video clip of Cathe's Cardio Core Bootcamp Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, July 16, 2020, at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Cardio Core Bootcamp” LIVE!!! It’s time to burn fat, calories, and break a serious sweat! Get ready to do six rounds of the following heart pounding exercise pattern: High Impact Cardio Step Cardio Low...
  2. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's All Low Impact Kickboxing, Hiit and Core Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, June 11, 2020, at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “All Low Impact Kickboxing, Hiit and Core” LIVE! A fusion of your favorites all together in one workout. You’ll alternate segments of low impact kickboxing with segments of low impact HIIT and finish off...
  3. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Legs and Core Down on the Floor Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Legs and Core Down on the Floor” LIVE! Get ready to take it down to the mat with this Pilates-inspired leg and core workout. Other than your fitness mat, there is no equipment needed. So grab your mat and...
  4. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Cardio Core Challenge

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, Jan 30, 2020, at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Cardio Core Challenge” LIVE! Get ready to get sweaty with this mixed impact solid cardio workout. After all is said and done we’ll finish up with some core work to complete the workout! Equipment Needed: A...
  5. forum_admin

    STEP BOSS Superman's With a Step Riser

    This is a pick Jai doing a Superman with a step riser for added intensity during the bonus abs of STEP BOSS *If You're Planning On Pre-Ordering Step Boss You’re Running Out of Time! Here’s How to Avoid Missing Out!!!
  6. forum_admin

    STEP BOSS Stacking Oblique Rotations

    This is another pic from the AB Stacker bonus ab video in STEP BOSS. In this pic Cathe, Jenn A., and Jenn D. are once again using the steps risers to work their obliques by moving the stack of risers, one at a time, from one side of their body to the other. *Become a STEP BOSS and Fall in Love...
  7. forum_admin

    Stacking Crunches in STEP BOSS Bonus Abs

    This is a pic of Jenn A., Cathe, and Jenn D. doing stacking crunches during one of the bonus ab sections in STEP BOSS. We’ve used the original health club step in our videos for over 30 years, but until now the step risers have only been used to elevate your step or hold your stability ball...
  8. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Cardio Hiit Plus Core Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Cardio Hiit Plus Core” LIVE. Arrre youuu readyyyy? Time to double knot your laces for this high energy sweat fest! Start out with steady-state cardio and then shift gears to some Hiit drills before...
  9. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Cardio Core Plateau Buster Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, August 8th, 2019 at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Cardio Core Plateau Buster” LIVE. Time to get sweaty everybody! This cardio-based, core infused circuit is sure to keep your heart rate and metabolism rev’d up! No time for downtime as you tap into your...
  10. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Express Plyo Legs-Plus Core

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, July 18th, 2019 at 9:15am EST we’ll be doing “Express Plyo Legs-Plus Core" LIVE. This fast-paced express HIIT workout is high intensity and uses light weight. You’ll alternate explosive cardio HIIT drills with fast-paced lightweight leg exercises. The...
  11. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Kickboxing plus Core Live Workout

    [ Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, July 11th, 2019, at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Kickboxing plus Core “ LIVE. This is a no-nonsense workout ‼ Get in the ring, do the work and go home....oh wait you’re already home . Ok then go hit the shower Equipment Needed: Boxing Gloves...
  12. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Give Me More Legs and Core Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday, June 27th, 2019 at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing “Give Me More Legs and Core" LIVE. A fast-paced, intense workout that hits your legs and core from all angles. We’ll see if you’re still asking for more when you’re finished Equipment Needed: A set of...
  13. forum_admin

    LITE Features Two Bonus Ab Workouts

    We originally planned on offering only one bonus abs workout on the LITE series, but we changed our mind and decided on adding two bonus ab LITE workouts. This pic is from bonus Abs #1. *You can pre-order Cathe's new Intermediate LITE workouts or learn more at...
  14. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Cardio, Glutes and Core Express Live Workout

    Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday Sept 27th, 2018 at 9:15 am EST we’ll be doing "Cardio, Glutes and Core Express" LIVE. This EXPRESS workout focuses on combining cardio fitness with glutes and core work. Sometimes alone and sometimes combined. So double knot your laces and get ready for...
  15. forum_admin

    Try Something Different With Fit Split Bonus Abs

    The Bonus Abs in Fit Split feature some of most unique core exercises that have ever been included in our DVDs and videos. To train your core effectively you need to hit your ab muscles from a variety of angles with different exercises. This 12:29 bonus ab workout will challenge your core region...
  16. B

    Weak core

    I have a very weak core and am suffering too often from lower back pain because of it. I've decided to really work on getting it stronger using Cathe videos since she has so many and is so good at working the core area! I'd like to start with her easiest ones first though. Can anyone rank the ab...
  17. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Advanced Fit Tower Legs, Glutes & Core

    Today we wanted to share with you a video clip from Cathe's low impact advanced Fit Tower Legs, Glutes and Core workout. We also want to remind everyone the our current pre-sale prices will end June 15,2017. You can pre-order now at: Legs Glutes and Core (Low Impact )...
  18. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Upper Body with Core Express

    This video clip is from Cathe's Thursday, March 9th "Upper Body W/Core Express" live workout and is our 139th live broadcas.This intense upper body and core work out is not only short on time but it's also tough on muscle. Get in, get busy & get'r done. Equipment Needed: Various weighted...
  19. forum_admin

    Video Clip of Cathe's Circuit Works Plus Barre & Core Workout

    This video clip is from Cathe's Thursday, December 1st "Circuit Works plus Barre & Core" live workout and is our 127th live broadcast. The name says it all! Come get your sweat on with this tough little trio that keeps you challenged from start to finish. Equipment Needed: Various weighted...
  20. ginny mahaney

    STS & Horizontal Conditioning

    Good afternoon everyone! I'm just finishing month 2 of STS and am looking for some great core and core/cardio workouts for my off days. I've read a lot about Horizontal Conditioning here, but am curious if it would work with STS? I'm concerned about overworking my shoulders/upper body. Which...