First Success Stories Now Up!


Success Stories
Success Stories

We would like to thank everyone that has sent in their success stories this week. We have now posted the first 10 Success Stories on our site and have added a “Success Story” tab to the header. Please keep the success stories coming and remember as a way of thanking you for helping us build our site, every entry that meets our minimum requirements will be sent an email confirmation containing a coupon code that may only be used by you and is good for 15% off any of our products sold in our site (coupon good for 60 days. Presale items excluded).

If your submission is selected for our “Success Story” spotlight on the home page you will also receive a $100 gift certificate that also may be used at (presale items excluded). On Monday we will select our next Success Story to be featured in the Success Story Spotlight. To send us your Success Story – Click Here

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