
Egg Muffins

Egg Muffins
Egg Muffins


1 dozen Eggland’s Best eggs
1-1.5 cups chopped veggies of your choice (I used scallions and broccoli, other good ones would be: peppers, mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower, zucchini)
1 tbsp cilantro
Chopped garlic (optional)
Frank’s Red Hot sauce (optional)
Reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese


Preheat oven to 350 and spray muffin pan with cooking spray. Combine 10 egg whites and 2 whole eggs in a large bowl. Add in chopped veggies of your choice, cilantro, garlic, and a few splashes of Frank’s Red Hot (or Tabasco). Whisk all ingredients together. Pour 1/3 c of mixture into each muffin cup (this amount of mix will usually yield ~9 cups depending on veggies used) and place in the oven for 15 mins. After 15 mins, sprinkle some of the reduced fat cheddar cheese on top of each muffin and bake for 3-5 more mins (until cheese is melted). Let cool then pop out of the tins. These are great to have for a quick, on-the-go breakfast or snack.

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