Download Shock Cardio Workouts Starting April 16th

download1All 11 of our new Shock Cardio workouts and Travel Fit will be available for download starting April 16th  after 11am.

As long as you preordered the entire Shock Cardio DVD series (11 workouts) or the entire Shock Cardio DVD series  + Travel Fit (12 DVDs) on or before  10-31-09, you will receive a coupon code that will allow you to download  for Free all of the DVDs you pre-ordered. Your Free coupon code must be used by May 16, 2010.

You will receive an email from us in just a few more days (Wednesday) with your FREE coupon code. Your free coupon may not be sold or transferred to another person. You may also purchase any of our other 154 downloads during the month of April and save an additional 20% by using coupon code DD20.

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