Do These 5 Foods Boost Weight Loss or Not?

Can some foods boost weight loss?

If you read magazines devoted to fitness and weight loss, you’ll probably see hyped up references to foods that help with weight loss. There are two ways in which food might help enhance fat loss. One is by reducing appetite so that you eat less. The other is by boosting metabolic rate.

In reality, there are no foods that, by themselves, will dramatically boost weight loss. The totality of your diet is what matters. But, there are foods that may have some impact on weight control while others, despite their reputation for doing so, do not.

Let’s bust some myths about foods that help you lose weight!


Cinnamon is a spice that some experts claim helps with weight loss – but does it? There is some scientific evidence that cinnamon may indirectly help with weight control. Cinnamon contains methyl-hydroxychalcone, or MHCP. Studies show that MHCP is a compound that may enhance insulin sensitivity.  When a cell’s sensitivity to insulin rises, it takes up glucose more readily without the need for as much insulin. Lower circulating insulin in the bloodstream is favorable for blood sugar control and for fat loss.

Does cinnamon have other benefits? Scientists at the University of Michigan also discovered that oil in cinnamon called cinnamaldehyde boosts thermogenesis or the ability of cells to burn fat. At least in mice, it protects against obesity and metabolic syndrome. But, the verdict is still out in humans.

The amount of cinnamon you need to get improvements in insulin sensitivity would be the equivalent of around a half-teaspoon daily. However, the kind of cinnamon you buy at standard supermarkets, called cassia cinnamon, has substantial quantities of a compound called coumarin that researchers believe is toxic to the liver. Another form of cinnamon called Ceylon cinnamon only contains a fraction of the coumarin that cassia cinnamon does. So, it’s a safer form, but it’s not clear whether it has the same health benefits as cassia cinnamon.

Green Tea

Green tea is a beverage that people sometimes drink for weight control. Does it offer benefits? There is evidence that the catechins in green tea subtly boost resting metabolic rate, but the degree is modest, and you have to drink 4 or 5 cups daily to get the benefits. How does it do this? The catechins in green tea block an enzyme called O-methyltransferase that breaks down norepinephrine. When norepinephrine doesn’t get degraded as quickly, it hypes up the nervous system and favors the breakdown of fat. Plus, green tea contains caffeine, another component that may modestly help with fat loss. However, it’s likely your body adapts to caffeine rather quickly and the benefits become less pronounced over time. So, the impact on body weight, if any, will be modest.

How can you get the potential benefits? If you don’t like drinking that many cups of green tea, you could take a green tea supplement, but it’s not advisable. That’s because there have been rare cases of liver damage related to taking green tea supplements. Stick with drinkable forms of green tea.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a condiment that people sometimes drink or use as a condiment to help with weight control. The active ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid.  What makes acetic acid special? There’s some evidence that acetic acid blocks the activity of enzymes that break down carbohydrates in the small intestinal tract. When this happens, carbohydrates pass through the digestive tract without being absorbed. In theory, this should help with weight control. Plus, it also helps with blood glucose regulation. In fact, some studies suggest that diabetics should add vinegar to their meals for better blood sugar control.

On the downside, most of the studies showing that vinegar helps with weight control are in mice. However, a study in humans showed that dipping bread in vinegar with acetic acid leads to greater feelings of fullness than eating the bread plain and the effect was greater when the participants consumed more vinegar. Some precautions – vinegar is acidic and can harm the enamel on your teeth.

Hot Peppers

Can a little spice & heat help you burn more fat? Hot peppers contain a compound called capsaicin. In studies carried out on mice, mice that consumed hot peppers lost weight and were able to maintain it over an 8-month period. Plus, the mice experienced other “perks,” including a reduction in blood sugar, improvements in lipids, and a reduction in fatty liver.  Hot peppers due to their heat may also cause a reduction in appetite that facilitates weight loss. But, don’t go overboard with the hot peppers. They can be irritating to the digestive tract and have been linked with worsening of acid reflux symptoms. Instead, if you tolerate their hotness, add modest amounts to your food, so you’ll be satisfied eating less.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, a heart-healthy type of fat. It’s also part of the Mediterranean diet, one of the healthiest diets on earth. In one study, researchers compared the impact of sunflower oil versus olive oil on the incidence of obesity. Participants who consumed olive oil had a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese over the course of the study relative to those who consumed sunflower oil. This was true even when they controlled for other factors such as calorie intake, physical activity level, gender, etc.

Another study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition followed 187 participants for 3 years. In the study, those who consumed olive oil had higher levels of antioxidants in their bloodstream and less weight gain relative to those who adhered to a low-fat diet. Olive oil is also linked with greater satiety. In one study, participants ate 500 grams of yogurt with one of the following oils added – butterfat, lard, rapeseed oil, or olive oil. The participants who consumed the olive oil in their yogurt had the highest level of satiety.

All in all, extra-virgin olive oil is a healthy oil but choose carefully. There’s lots of olive oil fakery out there – olive oil diluted with less expensive types of oil.

The Bottom Line

Don’t depend on any of these foods to dramatically impact your weight. However, consuming them as part of an overall, health, whole food, nutrient-dense diet may offer some benefit.



Science Daily. “Cinnamon turns up the heat on fat cells”
The People’s Pharmacy. “Is Cinnamon Toxic to the Liver?”
Medical News Today. “Does apple cider vinegar help people with diabetes?”
Medical News Today. “Is apple cider vinegar good for losing weight?”
Medical News Today. “Hot pepper compound may reduce obesity”
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition volume 63, pages 1371–1374 (2009)
Science Daily. “Olive oil makes you feel full”


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