
Dieting Around the World: Making Swiss Cuisine Healthful and Delicious

Dieting Around the World: Making Swiss Cuisine Healthful and DeliciousWhen you think of the Swiss, you may picture the Swiss Alps. Maybe you think of their famed neutrality and peacekeeping. Most of us probably think of Swiss cuisine as sweet, delicious chocolate. Chocolate is eaten all over the world, but the Swiss have really mastered this treat. They haven’t, however, mastered a calorie-free, healthful version. Until that happens (fingers crossed!), you can use the recipes below to indulge in some great chocolate treats that won’t go straight from your lips to your hips.

To make a healthful chocolate bar, there are many different ingredients you can use. For a basic recipe, start with coconut oil (virgin or extra virgin if you like the taste of coconut and refined if you dislike it). Take 5 tablespoons of coconut oil and melt it using a stovetop or microwave. Add 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder and mix until they’re completely combined. For sweetener, you can use honey, xylitol, erythritol, stevia, or any other sugar-replacement. If using a granulated sugar-replacement, grind it in a coffee grinder to make it powdered. This will produce a smoother chocolate. These 3 ingredients—coconut oil, cocoa, and sweetener—form the base of the chocolate. This recipe can then be tailored to your individual preferences. You can add shredded coconut, almonds, or peanuts. If you have candy molds you can make chocolates and fill them with peanut butter or berries. You can add peppermint or orange extract for flavored chocolate. You could even mix your base with some nuts, oats, or fruit to make your own breakfast cereal bar. When you’ve added your extra ingredients, place the chocolate in the fridge to harden. If it’s a warm day, you’ll have to store the chocolate in the fridge to prevent it from melting, or you can let it melt and use it as a topping for whipped frozen bananas.

Swiss Cuisine: Chocolate mousse

Chocolate mousse is the pinnacle of indulgent, chocolate desserts. It’s decadent, it’s creamy, and it’s usually not even close to being healthful. If you’re craving a light and fluffy chocolate mousse, you can make a healthier version right at home. First, you’ll need a can of coconut milk. Store the coconut milk in the fridge overnight. This will allow the milk to separate from the water. When you open the can, drain away the excess liquid and use the solidified coconut milk. For a single portion, take a ½ cup of coconut milk and add a ¼ cup of pitted dates. It is best to use Medjool dates, as they are sweeter than other date varieties. If the dates are dry, soak them in warm water for 20 minutes or so and then drain the water. Whip together the coconut milk and dates using a blender or food processor until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Add 1 ½ tablespoons of cocoa powder and blend well. Place the mousse into a small dish and refrigerate for 4 hours–or until you just can’t wait any longer!

These treats are sure to hit the spot when a chocolate craving strikes. The natural ingredients will not only satisfy your sweet tooth but will also provide your body with good fats and antioxidants. Improving your health while eating chocolate? It’s a dream come true!


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