Craft Your Perfect Physique: 5 Strategies for Achieving Muscle Symmetry

Perfect Physique: 5 Strategies for Achieving Muscle Symmetry

If you have ever admired a bodybuilder’s physique, you have likely noticed the amount of effort they put into achieving perfect body symmetry. From their defined stomach, and wide lats, to their massive arms and legs, all their muscle groups work together in harmony to create a balanced and symmetrical look. And if you’re looking to craft your own physique, achieving muscle symmetry is also important.

Even more important is to maintain balanced strength so that one muscle group isn’t weaker than its opposing one. But how do you do that? Let’s look at various strategies you can use to craft your perfect physique and create muscle symmetry and balance.

First, know whether you have muscle imbalances

Knowing if you have muscle imbalances is important to prevent injury and optimize performance. Signs of muscle imbalances include variations in strength, range of motion, and posture. If you experience pain or discomfort during exercise, or if you find that certain muscle groups are weaker than others, these can be indications that you have an imbalance. It is also important to be aware of muscle tightness, as well as any persistent postural asymmetries.

To identify muscular imbalance in their body, some athletes take photographs taken from various angles to look for signs of posture abnormalities.  This helps them see where their body is symmetrical and where they may have some size imbalances. These photos can help identify imbalances in muscle pairs affecting:

  • head position
  • hunched shoulders
  • pelvic tilt
  • leg rotation

You can do the same by having someone snap photos or videos of you at various angles and look for signs of imbalances. The signs above suggest you have muscle imbalances that need to be corrected through exercise and smart training.

Do unilateral exercises

Unilateral exercises are an important component of achieving balanced muscle growth. These exercises isolate a muscle group on one side and are helpful for working a single side in isolation to correct imbalances between sides.

For example, you can train your weaker side using more resistance or more sets or repetitions than your stronger or more developed side. Unilateral exercises such as single-leg deadlifts, single-leg squats, and single-arm rows are unilateral exercises you can use to create a more balanced physique.

The key is to increase the resistance or volume on the weaker side and work each side in isolation. For example, if your right biceps are stronger than your left, you can do an extra set for your left biceps, use a heavier resistance, or increase the volume to help it grow and become stronger.

Switch dumbbells for barbells

If you’re a barbell lover, consider introducing dumbbells into your workout. Dumbbells allow you to work each side of your body in isolation. This lets you target one side independently to improve your muscle balance.

Additionally, by using dumbbells, you can work each side of your body using different resistances, making it possible to customize your workout even more. Plus, dumbbells also challenge your stability and help increase core strength. The point? To maximize muscle symmetry, incorporate dumbbells into your routine, so you can work each side independently.

When working each side with dumbbells, begin your workout on the weaker side since you can work it harder when you’re less fatigued. Also, be prepared to do extra work on the weaker side to build more strength and even things up.

Balance pushing exercises with pulling exercises

Maintaining a healthy balance between pushing and pulling exercises is key to preventing muscle imbalances between the anterior and posterior chains. For example, performing a vertical push like a shoulder press followed by a vertical pull like a pull-up, or a horizontal push like a push-up followed by a horizontal pull like a row ensures you’re working the muscles you’re targeting and their opposing muscle groups.

Striking a balance between pushing and pulling exercises will ensure that you work opposing muscle groups in symmetrical manner. Taking the time to balance pushing and pulling exercises is a key strategy for maintaining muscle symmetry and avoiding strength imbalances.

Don’t just focus on the mirror muscles

Don’t fixate too much on the muscles you see in the mirror. It’s common for people to emphasize exercises that target the muscles they see in the looking glass, such as the biceps and anterior shoulders, and neglect the muscles on the back side of the body, such as the posterior deltoids, lats, and glutes, but doing this will have a huge impact on muscle symmetry. So, don’t fall into that trap!

When training, include exercises that work all muscle groups in a symmetrical way. This will help ensure you’re working all your muscles and help prevent injuries, as your body will be better balanced and less prone to imbalances. That’s where including push and pull exercises comes in. You need both for symmetry!


Developing symmetry between muscle groups helps to ensure they work equally to support your body’s movements, leading to improved posture, balance, and strength. Plus, with an even muscle distribution, your body will appear more symmetrical and give you a more attractive physique.

Additionally, muscle symmetry can help to reduce the risk of injury, as the body can move more efficiently, allowing for a greater range of motion. Developing symmetrical muscle groups should be an integral part of any fitness routine. It will help you build a healthier, stronger, and more aesthetically pleasing body.


  • Oliveira M, Júnior PL, Imoto AM, Santos T, Borges JHS, Nunes P, Barin FR, Damando M, Peccin MS. Unilateral Versus Bilateral Resistance Exercise in Postoperative Rehabilitation After ACL Reconstruction With Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Graft: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Apr 18;10(4):23259671221088830. doi: 10.1177/23259671221088830. PMID: 35464901; PMCID: PMC9019374.
  • “Muscle Imbalance: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention – Healthline.” 27 Feb. 2020,
  • “Prevalence of muscle imbalance and its potential influence on injury ….”
  • “Are Unilateral Exercises More Effective Than Bilateral Exercises? – LWW.”
  • Saeterbakken A, Andersen V, Brudeseth A, Lund H, Fimland MS. The Effect of Performing Bi- and Unilateral Row Exercises on Core Muscle Activation. Int J Sports Med. 2015 Nov;36(11):900-5. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1398646. Epub 2015 Jul 2. PMID: 26134664.

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