Cathletes Rock Daytona!

img_1881Cathe, our staff and Eggland’s Best would like to thank all of the Cathletes who joined us in Daytona for what turned out to be one of our best Road Trips ever! You just can’t beat having the ocean, swimming pools, pool deck, and all the other amenities that this location offered. When you combine a great location like this with a group of enthusiastic and super friendly Cathletes you can’t help but to have a great time.

Based on our observations and your valuable input, we’ve learned a lot of things from holding the Daytona event that will help make our future Eggland’s Best tour events even better.  Your  most popular feedback was that it was such a nice convenience having everything, including your room, in one location. It allowed for more time to socialize and bond with fellow Cathletes.  You’ll be happy to know that, just as in Daytona, we will use each events unique location to help create a one-of-a-kind road trip experience.

The staff at the Daytona Beach Resorts went beyond our expectations in helping us and all the Cathletes enjoy a truly amazing and special weekend. The guest rooms at DBR were about double the size of a typical hotel room and each each came with their own kitchen and small living room. And how about that view of the Atlantic Ocean for those of you with an ocean side room?”

We have tons of pictures to share with everyone and we have already started posting full resolution pictures from Daytona on our flickr site. We’re starting with Cathe’s Sunday “Bootcamp On The Beach” workout and working our way backwards. Cyndi, our fellow Cathlete and wonderfully enthusiastic photographer, has also posted several pictures from the other days and will also be posting more of her pictures just as soon as she can. She has been limited to the number of pictures she can upload because of connectivity problems at the hotel. We can’t thank Cyndi enough for her extra help and for literally taking thousands of pictures this weekend. We currently have about 70 pictures up for view on flickr from Sunday’s events. We hope to post pictures from Saturday later today. – View Pictures

Now that Daytona is over we will soon start taking signups for our other EB tour events. Our next three events will be held in Texas, San Diego and Chicago. As for Daytona, we had so much fun we will probably make this an annual event.

I you attended the Daytona event make sure to let our sponsor “Eggland’s Best” know about how good of a time you had. Your feed back is important to them and will help make our future events even better.

To learn more about the great taste and nutritional value of Eggland’s Best eggs, We encourage you to visit their website – . To receive brochures, coupons or additional information, please contact EB at [email protected] or call 800-922-3447.

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