Cathlete 5K Turkey Trot is On!

Cathlete 5K Turkey Trot is On!

Turkey Trot 5K 2012 Race

Once again we’re having our virtual online Cathlete 5K Turkey Trot. Race anywhere and then enter your time in the “Cathe Challenges” section of our Workout Manager (

Turkey Trot 5k races traditionally take place on Thanksgiving Day morning, however, the phenomenon has expanded and Turkey Trot races are now available the day after Thanksgiving, the weekend after Thanksgiving, and any day close enough to Thanksgiving that the race organizer can sensibly name it a Turkey Trot. Thanksgiving typically marks entry into an excessively food filled holiday season. The vast availability of Turkey Trot 5ks give people the opportunity to take a stand on Thanksgiving by starting out the day with a fun, healthy, calorie burning, 5k run.

 No Excuses!

The alluring aspect of the 5k distance race (3.1 miles) is that it typically finished quickly. Even jogging at a comfortable 10 minute per mile pace will net a finish just over 30 minutes. And with most races starting at 8am, Thanksgiving hosts can expect to be home by 10.

Can’t Find a Race

If you can’t find a race in your area you can simply map out your own course or head over to your local track. This is a virtual online competition, so it doesn’t matter where you race.

Enter Your Time in Workout Manager Challenges

After you complete your race just enter your results in our Workout Manager’s ( Cathe Challenges section for your 5K Turkey trot that you complete between November 16 –  November 26th – 12 midnight, EST .  You will be able to see how your time compares with Cathletes all over the world. Top 10 finishers will all receive a free personally autographed Cathlete 5K Turkey Trot  T-shirt from Cathe.

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