
Cathe’s October 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe's October 2021 Workout Rotation


Hi Everyone,

We are officially in October, the month of tricks, treats, and more treats! With temptations of Halloween candies and goodies all around us, we are going to make sure we come in strong and go out even stronger!  This month’s rotation ( October 2021 Workout Rotation) is a bit of a boot camp blast with boot camp workouts, cardio leg and circuit workouts all mixed into each week to keep those muscles on fire and those extra calories burning!  We will slow it down in between for some focused heavier weight training. Make sure to stay hydrated and take extra rest as needed! Stay strong and stay spooky! Happy Halloween, everyone!

OnDemand QuickSelect ™ For Cathe’s Cathe’s October 2021 Workout Rotation

iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku Cathe OnDemand Users: Cathe’s October 2021 Workout Rotation is available now in your app. Just click on the rotation icon in your app to view this month’s rotation.

Web Browser Users:  Note: If you’re an OnDemand subscriber make sure you’re logged into your account through your browser and then just click on the links in my October 2021 Workout Rotation to instantly launch and view your video. Monthly workout rotations are normally published on the first Monday of each month.


Week 1

M Strong and Sweaty Boot Camp

T Cardio Slam

W Perfect Pump Upper Body

T HiiT Circuit Lower Body

F OFF or yoga/mobility/stretch of choice

S Afterburn

S Perfect Pump Lower Body

Week 2

M Boot Camp Circuit

T Perfect HiiT High Impact

W Pyramid Pump Upper Body Only

T Cardio Leg Blast

F OFF or yoga/mobility/stretch of choice

S Athletic Training

S Pyramid Pump Lower Body Only

Week 3

M 4DS Boot Camp

T All Out Low Impact HiiT

W Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper Body

T Lift it HiiT it Legs

F OFF or yoga/mobility/stretch of choice

S Circuit Blast

S Strong Body Stacked Sets Lower Body

Week 4

M Intensity Series Boot Camp

T Plyo HiiT Two

W Total Body Trisets Upper Body Only

T Lower Body Blast

F OFF or yoga/mobility/stretch of choice

S Metabolic Blast

S Total Body Trisets Lower Body Only

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