Cathe’s November 2019 Workout Rotation

Cathe's November 2019 Workout Rotation


Hi Everyone!  The November 2019 workout rotation focuses on strength.  In between your strength days, you’ll insert solid cardio.  Grab a protein shake after each lift for greater benefits.  Also (as always) eat clean, drink extra water and sleep soundly!

OnDemand QuickSelect ™ For Cathe’s November 2019 Workout Rotation

iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku Cathe OnDemand Users: The Cathe November 2019 Workout Rotation is now available in your app. Just click on the rotation icon in your app to view this month’s rotation.

Web Browser Users:  Note: If you’re an OnDemand subscriber make sure you’re logged into your account through your browser and then just click on the links in my November 2019 Workout Rotation to instantly launch and view your video. Monthly workout rotations are normally published on the first Monday of each month.



Mon…Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Biceps

Tuesday…Cycle Sweat or solid cardio of choice

Wed…Gym Style Legs

Thurs…Rockout Knockout

Fri…Gym Style Chest & Triceps

Sat… Imax 3




Mon…Lift It Hit It Back, Biceps, Shoulders

Tuesday…All Out Low Impact Hiit

Wed… Lift It Hiit It Legs

Thurs…Cardio Slam

Fri… Lift It Hit It  Chest Triceps & Shoulders

Sat…Step Blast




Mon…Pure Strength Legs and Abs

Tuesday…Rock’m Sock’m

Wed…Pure Strength Back,Biceps, Abs

Thurs…Plyo Hiit One

Fri…Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders, Triceps





Mon…Slow & Heavy Legs & Shoulders

Tuesday…Pedal Power (or any solid cardio workout)

Wed…Slow & Heavy Chest and Back

Thurs…Hard Strikes

Fri…Slow & Heavy Triceps & Biceps

Sat…Cardio Party plus one of the Ab Circuits of choice



*You can view all of Cathe’s monthly workout rotations at | Click Here |

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