Cathe’s November 2013 Rock Bottoms Rotation

Cathe's November 2013 Rock Bottoms Rotation

Hi Everyone! Upon your request I have revised and updated both the ROCK BOTTOMS June 2006 and Feb 2011 rotation. This updated advanced rotation will really kick some butt!!!! Keeping the popular favorites, I also left weighted walking lunges and the (slightly tweaked) Bonus Butt Workout (BBW) in the rotation. They should be done whenever you see them listed in the rotation. Remember, hard work pays off twice as fast ( and really shows off that newly sculpted bottom) when it is accompanied by a very clean diet. Enjoy!

 Bonus Butt Workout (abbreviated as BBW):

1) One minute of SQUATS with a challenging barbell weight chased by 20 seconds SQUAT JUMPS.

2) One minutes of WALKING LUNGES with a 10 pound weighted vest (or with 8 pound hand weights per hand) chased by 20 seconds of deep controlled POWER SCISSORS.

3) One minute of PLIE SQUATS with a challenging barbell weight chased by 20 seconds ICE BREAKERS.

4) HAMMER PUNCH LUNGES… 30 per side (be controlled and FEEL THE WORK)

5) BARBELL DEADLIFT… 2 sets of 15 reps (slow & heavy reps)



Mon: Intensity

Tues: Cardio Leg Blast

Wed: Pyramid Upper Body…plus 300 walking lunges (holding 8 pound dumbbells in each hand or wearing a weighted vest of poundage choice)

Thurs: Butts and Guts

Fri: Kick Max

Sat: Flex Train ….plus BBW

Sun: OFF or Yoga Relax



Mon: X10 (warm up plus minimum of 3 segments)

Tues: To The Max …plus BBW

Wed: MMA Boxing …plus 300 walking lunges (holding 8 pound dumbbells in each hand or wearing a weighted vest of poundage choice)

Thurs: 4DS Kickbox (full workout in its entirety)

Fri: STS Total Body (All Upper Body Premix Only)

Sat: XTrain Legs

Sun: OFF or Yoga Relax



Mon: Tabatacise (warm up plus minimum of 3 segments)…plus Coremax/Segment #1…plus 300 weighted walking lunges

Tues: Lower Body Blast

Wed: Rockout Knockout (including Heavy Bag Bonus)

Thurs: Cross Fire

Fri: Great Glutes

Sat: Supercuts…plus BBW

Sun: OFF or Yoga Relax



Mon: All Out Low Impact Hiit

Tues: Hard Strikes (including Heavy Bag Bonus)…. plus 300 weighted walking lunges

Wed: Pyramid Upper Body

Thurs: Lean Legs and Abs

Fri: STS Plyo Legs (week three)

Sat: Afterburn…plus BBW

Sun: OFF or Yoga Relax


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