
Cathe’s July 2015 Rotation


July 2015 …This rotation is all about heavier lifting and body fat loss.  Shock your metabolism with this mixture of heavy weights, hiit workouts and yoga.  Because of the “heavy” demands of this rotation you will have two days off per week every other week.  Eat a super clean diet along with this rotation and watch your body burn fat and your muscle lean up.

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Mon…Slow Heavy Legs and Shoulders

Tuesday…Hiit:  40/20

Wed…Slow Heavy Chest and Back

Thursday…Lift It Hiit It Legs

Fri…Slow Heavy Triceps and Biceps

Sat…HIIT: Double Wave Pyramid

Sun…Ab Circuits Pilates Based plus Yoga Relax


Mon…IMAX 2

Tuesday…Gym Style Legs


Thursday…Gym Style Chest and Triceps plus Ab Circuits No Equipment Abs

Fri…HIIT:30/30 plus Segment One Stretch Max

Sat…Gym Style Back Biceps and Shoulders



Mon…Lift It Hit It Biceps, Back Shoulders

Tuesday…IMAX 3

Wed…Pyramid Lower Body


Fri… Lift It Hit It Triceps, Chest, Shoulders

Sat…Plyo Hiit One

Sun…Ab Circuits Yoga Based plus Yoga Relax



Tuesday… Pure Strength Back Biceps and Abs


Thursday… Plyo Hiit 2 Plus Stretch Max Segment two

Fri… Pure Strength Chest Shoulders Triceps

Sat… Lift It Hiit It Legs



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