Cathe not Meds! by Sister4Ever


In April of 2007, I went in for a routine physical. I have always exercised with exercise videos and dvds and I considered myself healthy. I was actually looking forward to the doctor coming in and saying how great my results were! Instead, the doctor told me my cholesterol was very high and she wanted to put me on medication. I was shocked, because high cholesterol does not run in my family and I always believed that I was exercising and eatting right and that would all pay off health wise! Well, I was wrong!!

When I spoke with the physician’s assistant at a follow up appointment, she informed me that I would probably have to take the medication for the rest of my life! I told her that I work out, eat right and I asked what else I could do so that I wouldn’t have to take medication. (The medication I was prescribed would require me to get my liver function checked every three months! Needless to say, I never filled the prescription, I was determined to lower my cholesterol without medication!!)

Her reply to my question as to what more I could do was to “workout harder.” Okay, that made me mad! I was actually really peeved by her comment, but I did exactly as she said! I began working out exclusively with Cathe! I had been doing other workouts and thought I was working out. But when I started doing Cathe, I realized what working out was all about! It was feeling challenged and pushed to do things you never believed you were capable of doing!

I used to watch Cathe’s workouts on FitTV and think to myself – I could never lift weights like that, but now, I’ve done the STS program more than three times, each time my weights will increase and I’m feeling challenged each time I do each Mesocycle! I have just about every one of Cathe’s DVDs, including her latest Shock Cardio, and I never get bored!!Because of Cathe’s Fitness DVD’s I’ve lost 30 lbs., I’ve run a half marathon, a full marathon, a 15K and several 5ks!

I only use Cathe DVD’s now – I’ve given all the others away! I wake up five days a week at 4 a.m. to workout with Cathe and she always starts my day with a positive attitude and I feel that there is nothing I can’t do!! Working out with Cathe in the mornings is my “me” time, before my husband and kids wake up!

Thanks to Cathe, I am in the best physical shape of my life! But more importantly, my cholesterol dropped over 100 points and I don’t have to take any medication!!

Cathe’s fitness DVDs not only improved my looks physcially, she has helped me to improve my health and that’s priceless!

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