Cathe Doing a Very Tough Lunge Variation

Cathe Doing a Very Tough Lunge Variation

This pictures shows Cathe and Cedie doing an intense variation of a static lunge in Great Glutes where the back knee pulses between barley touching the ground to a maximum height of only three inches off the ground. This is just one of many exercises that you will do during the Greater Glutes compound exercise section. This section also includes a little bit of cardio to get your heart rate pumping and calories burning.

The only weights used in Greater Glutes are a pair of 8lb dumbbells. Other equipment used in Greater Glutes different sections include a chair, pink firewalker loop, slide discs and a stability ball.

Since our chapter and premix menus allow you to eliminate different sections of this workout Greater Glutes is a great workout to take when you travel since so very little equipment is needed.

*Current Pre-Sale prices end July 2nd. Pre-Order now and Save over 50%.

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