Benefits of Weight Loss Are Lasting – Even if You Regain Some Weight

Benefits of Weight Loss Are Lasting - Even if You Regain Some WeightMost people who go on any type of diet to lose weight gain at least a portion of it back. That can be discouraging – but a new study shows that all of the health benefits aren’t lost even if some of those unwanted pounds find their way back to your hips or tummy. Some of the health benefits gained from weight loss persist even after the weight returns.

The Lasting Benefits of Weight Loss

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 322 obese men followed one of three diets to lose weight: a low-carb diet, a low-fat diet or a traditional Mediterranean diet with an emphasis on whole foods and limited red meat and dairy. Over a 2 year period, the men lost weight with those on the low-carbohydrate diet losing the most and the low-fat dieters the least.

During 4 years of follow-up, the men regained some of the weight they lost. Who regained the most? The men following the Mediterranean diet maintained their weight loss the best while those following the low-fat diet experienced the most weight re-gain.

The good news? Despite regaining some of the weight they lost, the men maintained healthier lipid profiles with those on the Mediterranean diet experiencing the greatest overall drop in total cholesterol. That’s not surprising since the classic Mediterranean diet is low in saturated fat and emphasizes fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean sources of protein, especially fish. In terms of fat, the Mediterranean diet is rich in omega-3s and monounsaturated fats that are linked with heart health. It’s thought to be one of the heart-healthiest diets in the world.

What Does This Mean?

You may continue to experience some of the health benefits of losing weight even if you regain some of the lost weight, at least from a cardiovascular risk standpoint. A healthy diet like the Mediterranean diet has special appeal since it’s one of the most palatable and diverse and is easier to stick with over the long-term. That’s probably why men in this study regained less weight on this diet compared to men on the low-fat and low-carb diets that have more restricted food choices, making it less sustainable.

Other Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

Research suggests that eating a Mediterranean diet may lower the risk not only for heart disease but other health problems including type 2 diabetes, hypertension and degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. No wonder some people call the Mediterranean diet “the longevity diet.” If you’re looking for an eating plan that’s flavorful and sustainable, the Mediterranean diet is a healthful option. Plus, its de-emphasis on processed foods helps avoid added salt, sugar and unhealthy fats like trans-fats. It’s a diet most people can live with – and live longer. Residents of countries who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet enjoy greater longevity.

The Bottom Line?

Even if you regain some of the weight you worked so hard to lose, some of the health benefits stay with you, and if you follow a Mediterranean-style diet that emphasizes a variety of whole foods, you may experience some of the other benefits that go along with this diet.



American Council on Science and Health. “Diets Can Have Long-Lasting Benefits”

BMJ 2008: 337: al344. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.a1344.

Medical News Today. “The Long-Lasting Positive Effects of Healthy Diet, Even With Partial Weight Regain”


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