Announcing Our Next DVD Series!

To Preorder STS Shock Cardio or to Learn More– Click Here

Hi Everyone!

Wow, it is hard to believe that it has already been one year since we filmed STS. While I enjoyed my “active recovery period”, lol, I once again have the filming itch. So I have been working on a little surprise that I’ve kept tucked up my sleeve until I had time to work out some details. The time has finally come for me to let out my little, well actually big, secret. I am once again going to be filming a new workout series, but this time instead of it involving weight training , it is all cardio based. Not just any cardio, we’re talking SHOCK CARDIO!!!! Yes, STS SHOCK CARDIO will bring your cardio capacity to new heights. Just as STS was our hallmark weight training program, STS SHOCK CARDIO will be our hallmark cardio conditioning program.

It is my goal to make STS Shock Cardio the ultimate cardio conditioning program on the market today. For this reason, I’m excited to share this incredible presale offer that I’ve put together. STS SHOCK CARDIO will consist of 11 incredibly intense and diverse workouts that will bring your cardio capacity to levels you’ve never seen before. Each of these super tough workouts will be based on popular training principles, art forms, and fitness concepts to not only keep you in peak condition but on the cutting edge of your fitness training regime.

STS SHOCK CARDIO is a maxed out blend of scientific research and cross training concepts at its best. You will do interval, circuit, steady state, longer, shorter, random and even ratio-based fitness training. You will do Kickbox, Boxing, MMA, HIIT training, Circuit, Speed, Agility, Power, Step, High Impact, Low Impact… the list goes on. There is ABSOLUTELY something for everyone in this STS SHOCK CARDIO workout series! And better yet, it can, and should, be used in conjunction with our STS program; however, no matter how you choose to use it, it’s completely effective as a standalone DVD series.

On top of all this, we will also have another workout available that is separate from STS SHOCK CARDIO. This is my TRAVEL FIT total body resistance band workout designed for the person who wants a tough workout that packs up easy (details/description below). I am offering it as a free bonus to all those who take advantage of our presale by March 31st. Speaking of the presale, let me review the important details of the presale and then include the STS SHOCK CARDIO workout details at the end of this announcement.

#1 The Presale has now started and as always our best price and deal will only be offered for a very short time period.
#2 From now until March 31st we’re offering a special offer. Preorder the entire STS SHOCK CARDIO series for only $99.99 + s/h. The STS SHOCK CARDIO workouts will also be available individually, but not until after March 31st.
#3 Order by March 31st and get my Travel Fit DVD (additional $24.99 savings!) for Free! – Travel Fit will ship with your preorder DVDs

#4 Plus get 20 % off all current DVDs (STS is excluded from this offer) and Fitness by Cathe accessories on our website. (just use the coupon code that comes with your preorders confirmation email.


STS SHOCK CARDIO features 11 different intense fat blasting cardio routines that have also been designed by me to be very time efficient to fit your busy schedule.

As mentioned above all 11 STS SHOCK CARDIO workouts have been designed to be used with my STS strength workouts or they may be used as individual standalone cardio workouts. In keeping with my philosophy of always “shocking” your system, STS SHOCK CARDIO offers a wide variety of different workout types, lengths, and intensities. All of the workouts in this series are under 55 minutes and several are only around 20 minutes in length.

The 11 STS SHOCK CARDIO workouts are divided into 4 main categories: HiiT, MMA, Step and Circuit. When combined with my STS strength workouts and online tools, you have the most advanced comprehensive home fitness training system on the market today that will not only help to make fitness a lifestyle, but will you give you the results you’ve been looking for.

STS SHOCK CARDIO is a strategy that has always been promoted by me as the best way to boost your metabolism, avoid training plateaus and overuse injuries, and off set mental fatigue and boredom. Throughout my 26 year fitness career I have found that continually shocking the body with different types of cardio workouts which vary in style, intensity, and duration produces the best results over the long term because your body will constantly be challenged in new and different ways. Just as we vary our strength workouts in STS by utilizing the principle of Muscle Confusion, STS SHOCK CARDIO is used to mix up our cardio workouts to improve our aerobic and anaerobic capacity. This will also help in optimal body fat reduction and calories burned.

We’ve created a special website with loads of information about STS SHOCK CARDIO and our Presale at and I encourage you to read all the information thoroughly so you’re totally informed about my new workout series and presale. I do want to put special emphasis on discouraging you from preordering unless you’re 100% sure you want to preorder and are willing to wait probably about 6 months before you will receive your order. We are also going start a new forum called STS Shock Cardio to help organize and answer your questions about STS Shock cardio.

About the STS Shock Cardio Workouts

Shock Cardio HiiT – High Intensity Interval Training
This DVD contains three workouts between 20 and 25 minutes in length and utilizes the “High Intensity Interval Training” technique that has been shown to burn fat and calories more effectively than other types of cardio routines.

Each workout is only about twenty minutes in length, but don’t be fooled, these workouts are intense! HiiT is perfect for you to use on days where you’re short on time or need to do your cardio workout on the same day as your STS strength program.
Each Shock Cardio workout features 8 intervals using a 2:1 high intensity to low intensity ratio. Each interval will be done at a high intensity (75% to 90% of your maximum heart rate) followed by a brief low intensity phase where your heart rate will drop to just under 65% of your maximum heart rate.

HiiT will improve both your aerobic and anaerobic capacity (and then some, gasp) and best of all it won’t take up a lot of your time. Each of the routines will focus on using high or low impact floor workouts or workouts involving the step. What are you waiting for, let’s HiiT it!!!!

Shock Cardio MMA – Mixed Martial Arts

MMA Boxing
50-ish minute cardio boxing program with a touch of MMA thrown in to give this workout a new twist (or jab, ha). While any fighter would definitely cut up from this intense and thorough program, this workout focuses on getting the fitness enthusiast in the best shape possible “outside of the ring”. Boxing is by far one of the most intense total body conditioning workouts out there. It is guaranteed to get your heart pumping, muscles moving and calories burning! So gr
ab your wraps, gloves, rope and let’s do it!

MMA Kickbox
An explosive 50-ish minute workout that will blast fat, build stamina, increase flexibility and muscle endurance. Punching and kicking combinations, elbow and knee strikes, along with some MMA influences will whip you into the best shape of your life. We are not training you to fight but once you finish this workout, you’ll never need to. Are you up for the challenge?

MMA Fusion
A 45 minute high energy workout that fuses various basic Martial Art Exercises along with various Martial Art Styles for those who are really looking to push their cardiovascular and strength endurance limits. Get ready to kick, grab, strike, and knee your way to an unbelievable level of fitness. Just as with our boxing and kickboxing programs, MMA Fusion trains you for the love of fitness, not the sport of fighting.

Heavy Bag Bonus
This 20 to 30 minute super infused bonus workout starts out with practice punches, elbows, knees and kicks on the heavy bag. Once acclimated to the “feel” of the bag, you’ll work your way up to doing basic punch/kick combinations on the bag too. Be prepared for your intensity level to explode like never before. This is the REAL DEAL!

Shock Cardio Step

Athletic Step
A 45 to 50 minute all step workout with a bit of “high voltage” thrown in the mix. No dancy footwork here, just straightforward step that encompasses sport moves, agility training, and speed drills. Get ready, get set, and go!

Step Moves
a 45 to 50 minute steady state step routine for those who like a little rhythm with their step. Mambo’s, cha cha’s, pivots, and rhythmic patterns are scrambled in new and exciting ways to keep the footwork fun and the action packed. This is one you’ll be sure to keep reaching for!

Shock Cardio Circuit

Skills n’ Drills
An upbeat 40 to 45 minute circuit workout that focuses on a wide variety of basic sports skills and fitness drills to keep the cardio coming in and the calories going out. These drills will be mixed together creatively and effectively to stimulate your mind and your metabolism. Like it or not, you are gonna MOVE!

Gym Jam
A 40 to 45 minute circuit workout that explodes with random exercise variety. Be prepared for anything and everything that you could possibly do in a gym—your home gym that is! The goal of this workout is to keep the heart rate high, the variety in abundance, the body guessing, and the muscles pressing. This is “shock value” at its best. While cardio energy is the focus of this workout, at times, light weight and various home gym exercise equipment will accompany this workout to accomplish this goal with a different approach.

About Travel Fit

Travel Fit
A total body band workout designed to keep you fit anytime you are on the road or just wanting to enjoy the workout for the benefits it provides. If you think this workout is easy, think again. The only easy thing about this workout is the fact that you simply need a resistance band to do it. Rest assured that the best of the best “band burners” will be put together, all in one workout, to make this one of the toughest total body workouts you have ever experienced. Just think of it as one big “Bonus Burn”, wink!

Keep Shockin’ it,


*Please note that all of the above workouts are subject to change within their listed format for the sole purpose of making it an even better than promised workout!

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