About our new Workout Manager and Website.

We will have two STS updates for you this week. For the First update of STS we want to bring you up to speed with our new online fitness software and our new website that you will use to take your STS One Rep Max test and print your workout card for every STS workout. We currently plan on a beta release launch window sometime between June 30th and July 15th for the new software and website.. This beta launch will only include some of the things we have been working on for the last two years and have previously told you about, but it will still be a lot for you to digest. Here is what you can expect:

#1 Forums – We will soon close our current forums and launch our brand new forums using new software. This will mean a new server and address for our current Forums. We will transfer all of the threads in our current forums to the new forums. Once we have the new forum up and running smoothly we will then add some new forums like the “Healthy Recipe Forum” and our new “Nutrition Tips”. We will also add some forums to report bugs with our new software and for you to make suggestions to improve our new software. You current password will not work in the new forums, so stay tuned for what you will need to do to obtain a new password. You will also use your forum login info to access many of the new features of our new site.

#2 My Cathe Space – We’re giving everyone their own Blog that is linked to our forums. Now you can tell people a little more about yourself and share your success stories and interest with other Catheites. This is a great place to tell everyone what Cathe DVDs are your favorites and what you’re currently doing to get in shape.
#3 Photo Album – Our new Photo Album is also linked to our Forums and will allow you to post pictures about you, your family or perhaps your cool new fitness room.
#4 My Workout Friends – Our new forums will allow you to invite and accept friends. Your workout friends will be able to see certain things about you in our new Workout Manager Software that you allow them to see.
#5 Social Groups – Our new Forums will allow you to form your own social groups and will allow you to have your own private messaging system within your group.
#6 Chat -We have added a very robust Chat software to our new server that also links to your forum login.
#7 The “Workout Manager” – The workout Manager does many things.

Schedule and Record a Workout – First , The Workout Manager (WM) will allow you schedule and record your workout results for any workout in an easy to use Calendar interface. You can easily record reps and weights for every exercise and retrieve the results or share them with friends whenever you want.

b. 1RM Test – Our 1RM test calculator will allow you to easily determine your 1RM for any exercise and calculate the correct weight you should use. Our exercise database includes nearly 1500 exercises. Your 1RM results will be saved for you and you can retrieve them online from any computer using your forum login information. Once you have taken a 1RM test the exercise name will appear in “RED” letting you know that you have already performed a 1RM test for that exercise.

c. Print an STS workout card – Just select the STS disc number you want to do and all the STS exercises and reps to be performed will appear right before your eyes with just one click of the mouse. As long as you have taken a 1RM test for each STS exercise the correct weight you should use for every exercise will automatically appear. Just click the print button and you will instantly have an STS workout card to use for that days STS workout. This also a great way to see every exercise that you will be doing once STS is released and how long the STS workout is. Calories for the workout will automatically be calculated based on your preferences.
d. STS 1RM Test – This is the same as the 1RM Calculator above, except you can select to show only STS exercises. You can also have the 1RM calculator show you only the exercises you need to test for any particular STS disc.
e. Compare your 1RM Results – one of the neat things about the Workout Manager is it will allow you to compare your exercise results with other Catheites. For example, if your 1RM for “One Arm Rows” is 40 lbs you can easily see how you compare to the average Catheite by simply looking at the column next to your results. The average Catheites results for every exercise will always be shown next to your results on your Workout Manager’s home page.
f. My Stats – Your workout stats will also be shown on your Workout Manager home page. You can easily see stats (weekly, monthly, yearly, beginning) such as how many Cathe DVDs you have done , total workouts done, total cardio minutes, total weight training minutes and total cardio distance. You can also compare your stats with the average Catheites stats. All information is dynamically created and updated daily whenever you or anyone schedules and records a workout using our Workout Managers Calendar.
g. Create a Workout – This feature will allow you to create, record and print a workout card for almost any home or gym weight routine.
h. Workout Calendar – Your own workout Calendar will appear on your Workout Manager Home Page. As we mentioned before you can schedule and record any workout using our easy to use Workout Calendar. Workouts can be scheduled based on 5 categories: STS, DVD, Cardio, Weight and Yoga/Stretch. Once a workout has been scheduled it can easily be changed and marked as completed. A green image denotes a scheduled workout and a completed workout is shown by a brown image.
i. Cathe DVD’s – The Workout Manager will always automatically show you on the WM main page the DVD cover of any Cathe DVD you’re doing that day and will also show covers for every DVD you have done for the month. We also have a feature that will allow you to show and list all of the Cathe DVD’s you own and which Cathe DVDs are your favorites. If you wish you may share this information with your workout friends.

j. My Goals – Set all kinds of goals and our software will automatically create a graph for you to chart and see your progress.

8. Cathe Fun – Enjoy newly created Cathe Wallpapers, Cathe Screensavers and Cathe/Fitness related crossword puzzles. We’ve also brought back and totally revamped our Cathe e-cards. Now you can send generic or Cathe e-cards to all of your friends at no cost to you from our site. Many of our custom Blog pictures like Santa Clause on a treadmill, Cathe and crew as Borg and Cathe and Cedie as witches on a broom have been added to our e-card selection of over 600 cards. You can even add special effects like snow, lightning and music to your Cathe e-cards.
9.Nutrition Software – Our nutrition software is currently the only service that we charge extra for. We will have a complete and thorough video demo on our new site that will explain the features of our Nutrition online software and how our nutrition software plan works. You will be able to create a meal plan, find a meal plan, find and share recipes with other online users, keep track of calories consumed, and much more. Our Nutrition software works with you to create personalized meal plans that meet the highest standards. All the food nutritional data comes from the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. Our software takes a complex task and makes it easy and fun! Experience the difference that complete balanced nutrition can make in your life.
This will be a beta release and we expect there to be a lot of bugs and issues .Our biggest worry is server load, especially in the first few weeks when people are requesting new passwords and testing out all of the new features. This activity may cause a spike that will be too much for the server to handle. We have contingency plans ready to go if this is case, but it may take a few weeks before we can have all the major kinks worked out. As the old saying goes “hope for the best, but expect the worst”. We will have many more updates with details about the new site and software over the next several weeks. Please post any questions you have in our forums.
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