Cold Vegetable Salad




1 (15oz) can of small english peas
2 (11oz) can of kernel corn (I used yellow and white corn)
1 (14 ½ oz) can of whole green beans
1 cup chopped onion ( I used red onion)
1 chopped pepper ( I used half of an red and half of an orange pepper)
4 diced celery sticks
1 ½ cups cherry tomatoes
¼ tsp dill weed


½ cup white vinegar
½ cup oil (I used corn oil)
1 cup sugar


Make dressing first and let cool before putting on the vegetables.

Dressing: Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Let dressing cool.

Salad: Drain well all canned vegetables, place in large container. Add onion, pepper, celery, tomatoes and dill weed; stir well.

Pour cooled dressing over vegetables and refrigerator overnight. Just before serving drain dressing from vegetables.

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