
Cathe’s April 2010 Rotation

April 2010
April 2010

Hi Everyone! This month we will shock our systems with a combination heavy weight training workouts from STS Meso 3 and the Gym Style Workouts. Notice the body part grouping change between the two series…that is a good thing to promote muscle confusion. Cardio and abs will also be done on the other days as well as a stretch day. Remember to eat well, be strong, and live long  Happy April!


Mon: STS Meso Three Disc #25 Chest and Back
Tues: STS Disc #26 Plyo Legs Plus Ab Circuits Stability Ball Abs
Wed: STS Meso Three Disc #27 Biceps Triceps and Shoulders
Thurs: 45 minute steady state run plus Ab Circuits Pilates based
Fri: Kick Max
Sat: Step Blast
Sun: Stretch workout of your choice


Mon: Gym Style Chest and Triceps
Tues: Kick Punch and Crunch
Wed: Gym Style Legs
Thurs: Athletic Step plus Ab Circuits No Equipment
Fri: Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Biceps
Sat: Cardio Kicks
Sun: Stretch workout of your choice


Mon: STS Meso Three Disc #28 Chest and Back
Tues: Hiit Double Wave Pyramid plus Ab circuits Weights and Plates
Wed: STS Meso Three Disc #30 Biceps Triceps and Shoulders
Thurs: Cardio Core Circuit
Fri: 50 min. steady state run plus Ab Circuits Yoga based Abs
Sat: STS Disc #29 Plyo Legs
Sun: Stretch workout of your choice


Mon: Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Biceps
Tues: Imax 3 Plus Ab Circuits Med Ball Abs
Wed: Gym Style Chest and Triceps
Thurs: Rhythmic Step
Fri: Gym Style Legs
Sat: 4DS Kickbox (Cardio and Abs section only)
Sun: Stretch workout of your choice

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