
I can’t believe its me! – by Nancy


I have always been overweight. In high school, I was the fat girl who dreaded gym class. I started my freshman year in a size 12, and by graduation I was a tight, tight, can’t breathe tight 18.

I was the girl who couldn’t run the mile in gym class, but told myself it was ok because I could walk it. Ho-hos and canned lemonade were standard for lunch during those years. I’d “diet” for a day or two at a time but never give it any real effort.

I went away to college and quickly dropped back to a 12, because I was only eating 1x a day, mostly greasy cafeteria food, and Mountain Dew and Butterfingers from the vending machine. Check that out – weight loss on burgers, pop, and candy. I never really exercised, except for the occassional walk.

Once I left school, it all quickly came back. I was married in 1999, my son was born in 2001. I really don’t know how much I weighed during that time, but I was up to a size 22. I remember my husband’s grandmother buying me a pair of size 14 jeans for Christmas and saying that they ought to fit because it was a pretty big size. My feelings were hurt and I was embarrassed, but tried not to let it show.

My son was born in 2001, and at the follow up Dr appt I was 270 pounds. I told myself it didn’t matter because my prepregancy clothes still fit – yes they did, but they were a size 22. It was about 2003 that I decided I had to do something – heart disease, cancer, and diabetes run in my family, and I wanted to watch my son grow up.

I went to the Dr and she prescribed Xenical – my insurance didn’t cover it and it was about $100/m, so I only took it for one month. However, it did prevent me from eating Big Mac, fries, Coke, and Butterfingers for lunch – a very common occurance. With Mountain Dew and more candy bars for an aftenoon snack. I lost 17lb in a month and was encouraged, but I realized I needed to exercise. I started with beginner Taebo, which almost killed me . I liked kickboxing, but quickly became bored doing the same thing over and over again. I slacked off, but then picked up back exercising about 3 days a week, found a circuit by Denise Austin that I liked, then a harder kickbox workout by Saffell/Gomez. I was down to only about 225-230 by this point, which had to be mid 2005.

I went looking on Collage Video for advanced kickbox workouts, and found KickMax. Deciding (stupidly) that I was advanced, I bought it. The warmup almost dropped me to the floor, and I was hooked!! I huffed and puffed all the way thru, and then it hurt to walk for 3 days. I thought I have to get more of this Cathe lady 🙂 I asked a question in the forum and Cathe answered 🙂 I was looking for non step workouts, since I didn’t have a step. Since there aren’t many, I went and bought the Circuit Step w/ Basic Step at Wal Mart, and enjoyed it, but decided I wanted a bigger cardio challenge. Back to Collage Video I went, and picked up IMAX 3. Ho w hard can it be???? Wowza, that was a tough one, dang near impossible. Then I discovered Muscle Max and a barbell, and got hooked on weight work.

The videos and the equipment quickly piled up and the weight came off. I was down to about 190 prior to STS strength, and lost about 10 lbs. I have since lost another 10-12 and hover around 178-180. I currently am in a size 10 jeans, and am very happy with that. I now run as well, I can easily knock out 6 or 7 miles. I have learned how to eat due to the forums, although I still occasionally indulge in my Butterfingers. I can lift weights I never though possible. The thought of a workout cheers me up. I ran my 1st 5k race last fall, and am signed up for a 10k this April. Sometimes I wonder if I am still me, this is so far away from the me a way for the 1st 25 years of my life.

I’ve had 3 surgeries – gallbladder, and 2 on one knee – since 2005, and my 1st words to the Dr were – when can I start working out again. I lov e it!!! I feel better, my health is better, I’m happier, and I look better. I may never be a size 2, but I really don’t care. Somedays, I still hate the size of my butt, or my belly pooch, but for the most part I like me the way I am now, because I know what I was. This stuff really does work, you just have to stick with it. I am especially happy to have the most wonderful husband ever, who has loved me thru thick, thicker, and thinner. And although he may make faces at me every time a new DVD shows up, it is all in fun. I am so happy to have found Cathe, she makes me work and is tough, but friendly. Because of her, I will be around to watch my son grow up. Thanks, Cathe.

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