Can a Glass of Red Wine a Day Help You Lose Weight?

istock_000016729184xsmallDo you enjoy a glass of red wine with your evening meal? Red wine is healthy for your heart, but the benefits could extend to your hips and waistline as well. According to recent research, sipping a glass of red wine daily could help to keep weight gain at bay.

Sipping Red Wine to Stay Thin

Various studies have looked at the effects of alcohol on body weight with inconsistent results. Overall, it appears that heavy consumption of alcohol (4 or more drinks per day) is associated with weight gain while drinking moderate amounts of alcohol (1 to 2 drinks per day) carries with it a lower risk of weight gain and obesity. Some research shows that men are more likely to gain weight when they drink alcohol than women, especially around the waistline.

A Danish study of 43,000 adults looked specifically at red wine and the effect it has on weight control. It showed that adults who drank a glass of wine a day or at least one glass of red wine a week had smaller waist circumferences than those who drank no alcohol.

The Additional Health Benefits of Red Wine

It’s possible that red wine may have beneficial effects on body weight than other forms of alcohol don’t have. Red wine is rich in antioxidants and a powerful antioxidant compound called resveratrol. Research done in lemurs showed that resveratrol increased their resting metabolic rate by almost 30% and decreased the amount of food they ate.

In humans, preliminary research shows that resveratrol may interfere with the synthesis of fats. Other research shows that resveratrol and other ingredients in red wine could protect against heart disease and have anti-aging benefits, although more research is needed. Drinking red wine, especially before a meal, increases satiety and reduces the desire to eat. This may be another way it helps with weight control.

Despite its health benefits, there are some drawbacks to drinking red wine. Research shows that women who drink as little as a single alcoholic drink a day boost their risk of breast cancer. This increased risk seems to be at least partially negated by eating a diet rich in folate, a B vitamin found in abundance in green, leafy vegetables.

The Bottom Line?

Drinking very modest amounts of red wine, about a glass a day, may have benefits when it comes to controlling your weight. Red wine is also heart-healthy and helps to raise HDL levels, the good form of cholesterol that protects against heart disease.

But don’t be too quick to imbibe if you have a personal or family history of breast cancer. Even small amounts of alcohol could put you at greater risk, especially if you don’t get enough folate in your diet.

Don’t use this study as a license to overindulge. Red wine has calories, and most research shows that drinking large amounts of alcohol increases the risk of weight gain. But if you’re going to drink, red wine is a good choice because of the antioxidants and resveratrol it contains.



BMC Physiol. 2010; 10:11.
Food Navigator-USA. “Red Wine in Moderation May Lead to Weight Loss”
WebMD. “Wine Won’t Cut Breast Cancer Risk”


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