Doctors are recognizing the low amount of magnesium in American diets is causing a lot of pain. Without proper levels of magnesium, the muscles and tendons in the body cannot function effectively, and the result is often a painful condition called tendonitis. For many people, the good news is that taking a magnesium supplement of 350 mg can put them on the road to recovery in no time.
It has been said that 95% to 98% of the American population is not receiving the proper amount of magnesium in the diet for several reasons. One is because our soils are depleted of many nutrients. One of those nutrients being depleted is magnesium. Obviously, because the plants don’t have the magnesium, it is not being delivered in the food to consumers. New studies show that another reason is from food processing. From 30%-85% of the magnesium that is present in foods today, gets stripped away through various food processes, like refining. As one can see, it is very difficult, without taking a supplement, to achieve 100% of RDA’s total from the food we eat.
The muscles and tendons function together during body movement. The muscle requires a certain level of magnesium within the cells to fully relax and to allow the muscle fibers to fully lengthen. How the body contracts the muscle will be explained in a different article. Without the magnesium, the fibers remain partially contracted and shortened and begin to put pressure on the tendons. Over time, the pressure on the tendons causes inflammation, and the tendons do not glide easily back and forth when stretched. This is where pain comes in the picture. The pain from tendonitis begins as a dull pain that can be tolerated and over time it becomes unbearable.
Magnesium is available at any store that carries vitamins and minerals. There are several different forms of magnesium; the absorption rate depends on the form. Some are absorbed faster than others. Magnesium Citrate seems to be the most soluble form thus absorbing quickest. The bottom line is that any magnesium supplement can correct the deficiency. Some combinations are more expensive and claim they are the best but, in the long run, they all work the same. The goal should be to take the supplement each day in order to maintain a daily 350-400 mg amount.
If tendonitis is a problem, magnesium can be a simple solution. There is nothing better than finding a simple inexpensive solution that makes long term pain disappear. And more times than not, the pain disappears very quickly. Living pain-free is being free.
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