6 Ways to Avoid Halloween Weight Gain

istock_000017724979xsmallHalloween isn’t just for kids. Many adults can’t resist munching on a handful of Halloween candy either. After all, it only happens once a year. The problem is there’s always lots of leftover candy to snack on for weeks afterward and the calories can add up. If you’re not careful, Halloween could rival Thanksgiving and Christmas as the holidays most likely to add inches to your hips and tummy.

Then there are the parties. Some people go to Halloween parties where they indulge. Then they come home and raid their kids’ trick-or-treat bag. No wonder their jeans are tight the week after Halloween. Don’t let this happen to you. Here are some ways to limit the impact Halloween has on your hips and waistline.

Look for Miniature Candy Treats

If you give out candy, you’ll likely be stuck with a stash of leftovers after the ghosts and goblins have returned to their hiding places. Choose candy treats that won’t add many calories if you’re tempted to indulge. Three Musketeers miniatures have only 24 calories per treat. They’re bite-sized and individually wrapped, so you’re less likely to overeat if you choose a miniature rather than a full candy bar where you have to control your portions.

Chew Gum or Suck on a Lollipop

Another non-damaging way to get a taste of sweet is to munch on a piece of gum or eat a Dum Dum lollipop when your kids tear into their Halloween stash. At 20 calories, a Dum Dum is satisfying enough to keep you from biting into a full-size candy bar, and it takes time to eat if you don’t bite into it. By the time you finish, your craving for something sweet will be history.

Look for Sugar-Free and Extra Dark Chocolate

Look for sugar-free candy treats to enjoy. They’re not calorie-free, but they won’t give you the same blood sugar and insulin surge as a candy bar with 30 grams of sugar. Choose sugar-free dark chocolate instead of regular chocolate. It’s loaded with heart-healthy antioxidants and a healthier option to milk chocolate.

Give Out Fruit or Inedibles

If you don’t want to tempt yourself, give out apples, oranges, bananas or small packs of raisins on Halloween. You’ll reduce the amount of sugar your trick-or-treaters take home, and you’ll send a healthy message at the same time. Another option is to give out inedible items such as stickers or small toys.

Give Away Extra Halloween Candy at Work

Don’t keep the extra Halloween candy around as a temptation after the big day over. Take it to work for your co-workers to enjoy or donate it to a local charity. Out of sight is out of mind. Don’t leave the leftovers around to be a constant temptation.

Bump Up Your Exercise Routine

Get prepared for the week of Halloween by adding a little more time to your exercise routine or take a few extra walks that week so you can enjoy a few Halloween treats. Take your kids trick or treating in a neighborhood where the houses are far apart so you’ll burn more calories.

The Bottom Line?

Enjoy Halloween without packing on extra weight. Choose the right treats and bump up your exercise routine the week before so you won’t be spooked by weight gain once the big day is over.


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