5 Tips for Eating Nuts Without Gaining Weight

5 Tips for Eating Nuts Without Gaining WeightNuts are one of the healthiest snacks around. They’re a good source of monounsaturated fats that lower LDL-cholesterol, the bad kind that deposits on the walls of arteries, and heart-healthy fiber. Plus, they’re a good source of appetite-satiating protein and low in carbs. Eating nuts sound like the perfect snack, doesn’t it?

The only drawback to nuts is their calorie content. A single macadamia nut has 18 calories, and who stops at just one? Despite their calories, nuts are better for you than potato chips and pretzels, and they have a satisfying crunch that keeps you full longer. Here are five tips for getting the health benefits of nuts without adding to your “bottom line.”

Choose Lower Calorie Nuts

Macadamia nuts top the list of high-calorie nuts with a whopping 200 calories in a single ounce. On the other hand, pistachios give you the most caloric bang for your buck. An ounce of pistachios has 160 calories per ounce, which is 30% less than macadamias. Plus, there are 47 pistachios in an ounce and only 12 macadamia nuts. You’ll feel like you’re getting more when you snack on pistachios. Pecans, Brazil nuts, and Hazelnut are other higher calorie nuts. Almonds are a good snack choice from a health standpoint since their skins contain antioxidants called flavonoids, and they’re an excellent source of vitamin E. Enjoy a diversity of nuts, but go light on the higher calorie ones.

Practice Portion Control When Eating Nuts

When you buy nuts, portion them into 100-calorie snack packs instead of eating them out of the bag. Like potato chips, the salty taste of nuts is addictive, and it’s hard to stop when you have a full package to tempt you. Don’t make it easy to keep dipping your hand into the bag. The good news is some research shows that not all the calories in nuts are absorbed, so you’re getting some calorie freebies when you munch on nuts.

Buy Them in the Shell

Buying nuts with the shell still on keeps them fresh and preserves their natural antioxidants. It also makes you work harder to eat them, so you’re less likely to overindulge. Buy unshelled nuts in big bags, and keep a nutcracker handy when it’s time to snack.

Buy Them Raw

Most supermarkets sell nuts in packages that are coated with special flavorings or are honey roasted. Many flavored nuts have added sugar and lots more salt so they’re not as healthy as raw nuts. When you buy nuts in the shell, you’re getting them in their natural, unaltered form. The next best thing is to buy raw, unsalted nuts are your local natural food market. Nuts are tasty even without an unhealthy coating of salt or sugar.

Use Them to Make Salads More Filling

Add chopped nuts to salads to make them more filling and satisfying. When you chop them into small pieces, you don’t have to use as many to get extra flavor and crunch. Chopped almonds and walnuts add extra protein, fiber, and healthy fats to a bowl of greens.

The Bottom Line?

Enjoy the health benefits of nuts, but be a smart snacker. Don’t munch on them out of the bag or buy them honey roasted, maple coated or with any other added sugar. Enjoy them in the natural state, and enjoy their many health benefits.



Self Nutrition Data.
World’s Healthiest Foods website.


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