5 Things We Can Learn From Spain About Healthy Eating

5 Things We Can Learn From Spain About Healthy EatingSpain is a country with considerable longevity. The average life expectancy of the citizens who live in this country that produces 44% of the world’s olive oil lives to be around 80 years old. Just as significantly, only a little over 15% of the population is obese. They must be doing something right from a nutrition and exercise standpoint to have such impressive statistics. What can we learn from this country that borders the Mediterranean Sea about healthy eating?

They Emphasize Fresh, Local Ingredients

Many Spaniards grow their own food or purchase it from local farmers. They favor fresh foods rather than foods that are processed with added salt, fats and sugar, although more kids are snacking on “junk food” these days as more women work outside the home. This could have an impact on longevity and obesity rates in the future. Their food is prepared in a simple manner by roasting, sautéing or stewing using a minimum of ingredients.

How You Can Benefit:

Emphasize simplicity in your selection of foods. Skip the processed and packaged foods, and visit your local Farmer’s market or the produce aisle of your local grocery store to enhance your diet. Not only are simple foods with a minimum of ingredients better for you, but you’ll also grow to appreciate the taste of foods that haven’t been altered by salt and sugar. Prepare them simply by sautéing in a little olive oil and enjoy.

Olive Oil is Liquid Gold to the Spaniards

Although the people of Spain don’t eat a low-fat diet, they consume healthy fats like the monounsaturated fat in olive oil and nuts. Olive oil is the primary source of fat in the Spanish diet. Extra-virgin olive oil is not only heart-healthy – it’s a good source of natural antioxidants and compounds that reduce inflammation. This has benefits for preventing a number of health problems including heart disease and some types of cancer.

How You Can Benefit:

Invest in a bottle of high-quality, extra-virgin olive oil in a dark bottle to protect it from light. Use it in place of other oils for salad dressing and for low-temperature sautéing. Replace it within six months since antioxidant levels in the oil decrease over time.

They Enjoy a Wide Range of Seafood

With the close proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, it’s not surprising that seafood is high on the list of food favorites in Spain. They enjoy a wide range of shellfish and trout that’s prepared simply using olive oil and spices. The heart-healthy omega-3s may partially explain the low incidence of heart disease in Spain. They enjoy their seafood with simple side dishes that might include lentils, vegetables or a salad.

How You Can Benefit:

Substitute fish for some of the red meat you’re currently eating. Be aware that larger fish may contain higher levels of mercury. Fish that are low in mercury include canned or wild-caught salmon, anchovies, catfish, sardines, scallops, shrimp, sole and fresh-water trout. Aim for two servings of fresh fish a week.

Red Wine in Moderation

The Spanish people enjoy red wine in moderation with meals. Red wine is a good source of antioxidants including a heart-healthy compound called resveratrol that prolongs life in some animal species. It also contains saponins, chemicals found in the outer skin of grapes that lower cholesterol and may reduce the risk of heart disease.

How You Can Benefit:

There are some benefits to drinking a glass or two of wine a day, at least for men. It’s less certain whether the benefits outweigh the risks for women since even small amounts of alcohol boost breast cancer risk. A little red wine is a good thing from the standpoint of heart-healthy, but limit it to one glass a day and avoid alcohol entirely if you’re at high risk for breast cancer.

They Don’t Rush Their Meals

The Spanish don’t eat on the run. They enjoy a leisurely lunch that lasts up to two hours. The midday meal, called la comida in Spanish, consists of up to six courses and is the largest of the day. Despite this, the Spanish maintain slimmer waistlines than people in other countries. The fact that they eat their largest meal earlier in the day while they are still active and the slow leisurely pace of their meals likely works in their favor. Dinner usually consists of a salad and a tapa rather than a large meal.

How You Can Benefit:

Stop eating on the run and eating and when you’re doing something else. When you eat at a slower pace, your appetite hormones have time to kick in and send the signal you’re full so you’re less likely to overeat. Distracted eating, munching while you’re on the computer or watching television, can work against you too. Research shows that people eat more when they turn a meal into a multi-tasking event.

Lastly, the Spanish get around more on foot. Instead of getting out their car keys to run errands, they put on their walking shoes. On Sunday evening, many Spaniards enjoy a walk after their Sunday lunch rather than retire to the television or computer room for hours of sedentary leisure time. What can we learn from the Spanish way of life? Choose whole, unprocessed foods, slow down the pace of your meals and spend less time in your car and more time walking. Do these things and you may have a slimmer waistline and live to be an octogenarian too.



Five Factor World Diet. Harley Pasternak, M.Sc. 2009. Ballantine Books.

Science News. “When meal times no longer focus on food”


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