5 Anti-Aging Foods You Need in Your Diet

5 Anti-Aging Foods You Need in Your DietEveryone ages at a different rate depending upon their genetics and lifestyle. Diet plays a role too, and certain foods have the power to alter body chemistry in such a way as to slow aging by reducing damage to cells that takes place every day. If you want to hold back the aging process, discover these five anti-aging foods that are not only tasty but healthful too.

Anti-Aging Foods: Wild Salmon

Wild salmon is not only low in calories; it’s one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, a healthful type of fat that reduces inflammation. Chronic inflammation plays a role in a variety of disease processes such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Omega-3s even help to fight off cognitive decline that comes with aging. So help yourself to two to three servings of wild caught salmon each week. But stay away from farm-raised salmon since it’s higher in toxins.

Anti-Aging Foods: Broccoli

If there’s one veggie that offers a powerful dose of anti-aging prevention, it’s broccoli. Broccoli is loaded with cancer preventative phytochemicals. Some of the natural chemicals in broccoli activate liver enzymes that detoxify the body and help to eliminate pollutants you’re exposed to every day that can cause disease. Enjoy this cruciferous vegetable as often as possible, and for extra points, add broccoli sprouts to your salad. They’re up to 50 times higher in cancer preventative and detoxifying compounds.

Anti-Aging Foods: Blueberries

Blueberries are chock full of antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins that help to protect against cell damage. Recent research shows they may be particularly effective for warding off age-related memory decline and dementia. They also lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and help to keep age-related belly fat at bay. Make a healthful fruit salad, and give blueberries center stage. They’re a versatile anti-aging food.

Anti-Aging Foods: Walnuts

Walnuts are rich in alpha-linolenic-acid, a precursor to omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are one of the most heart-healthy snacks you can eat since they’re an abundant source of “good for you” fats and fiber. Even though they’re high in calories, research shows that nut eaters are less likely to put on weight over time. Add them to your oatmeal in the morning, sprinkle them on salads or enjoy a handful as a snack.

Anti-Aging Foods: Pumpkin

That rich orange color that makes pumpkins easy to spot on the produce stand comes from the carotenoid compounds they contain. Some carotenoids are converted to vitamin A by the body, but even the ones that aren’t, have health benefits. These richly-colored compounds reduce inflammation and may lower the risk of heart disease, eye disease and some types of cancer. To get the health benefits of pumpkin, add a spoonful of pureed pumpkin to hot cereal or make a pumpkin smoothie. Don’t forget to save the seeds, they have health benefits too.

Enjoy These Anti-Aging Foods

Eat a balanced diet with lots of whole grains and fresh produce, and don’t forget to add these five anti-aging foods to your diet. They’re just what the doctor ordered for staying young.



The University of Michigan. “Study Suggests Health Benefits in Blueberries”

World’s Healthiest Foods website.

Eating Light. Women’s Day Special Publication.


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