4 Day Split Presale

save-big-2007-blog Our 2007 presale is now underway. Starting from now on please make sure to return to our blog frequently as we will be adding new information, details and pictures throughout the following weeks!

If you haven’t done so already, you can pre-order by going to following link: https://cathe.com/Presale_Launch_2007DVD.htm

Here is the scoop on the new DVDs:
The Ultimate Weekly Workout Program
The 4 Day Split is designed to be the ultimate cardio and strength weekly workout program that fits your busy lifestyle. It consists of four (approx. 60 minute) workouts. Each workout will have a separate cardio segment followed by an intense heavy weight training routine. We will use the push pull training approach since time is of the essence and we want to effectively maximize your time as we push you to complete and total failure with little to no rest between exercises. The 4 Day Split series will come in one DVD case on two DVD discs for maximum premix value:
Disc A:
Workout #1 High Intensity Step Aerobics Plus HEAVY WEIGHTS Chest/Back
Workout #2 Low Impact Step PLUS HEAVY WEIGHTS Shoulders and core

Disc B:
Workout # 3 Cardio Kickbox Plus HEAVY WEIGHTS Legs and Core
Workout # 4 Boot Camp Cardio PLUS HEAVY WEIGHTS BI’s and TRI’s
* as always, we reserve the right to make changes to content, format, equipment used and workout times without further notice.
Incredible Premixes:

The 4 Day Split – Cardio & Weights is a complete workout system and features some of the most versatile and unique premixes us or anyone has ever offered. For example, the normal workout program contains a cardio section followed by an intense strength training routine using the push/pull method; i.e. chest and back. This means you would work each muscle group of the upper body just one time per week. Though a lot of people prefer to train this way there also many who prefer to train each muscle group twice per week alternating upper and lower body. So, we have even developed a premix that does just that by featuring a cardio section followed by a total upper body section. The other disc will have a cardio section followed by a complete lower body strength session.

But what if you don’t like training with the push/pull method? Well, don’t worry we have premixes that feature different combinations of muscle groups like chest and triceps and back and biceps. Don’t like to mix your cardio with weights? Then try either our upper and lower body premixes or our total body strength premix. We even have timesaver premixes for those with time constraints. In summary, almost anything you can think of can be done with Cathe’s 4 Day Split – Cardio and Weight DVDs. As always, please feel free to make your premix suggestions in our forums. We always love to hear your input an ideas.

Spectacularly Filmed:
With every production we always try to improve the quality of our DVDs we make for you. This time there are many new enhancements we have made, but perhaps the biggest is to bring in the worlds best production studio to do the filming, editing and DVD authoring of our new workouts- NFL Films.NFL films is actually located very close to our studio and features perhaps the worlds best equipped video production facility and some of the worlds best technicians. There is not a video facility in the world that is superior to NFL Films. We’re very excited to join forces with them to produce what we hope will be our best produced videos ever.
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