3D Model of Our New Set

2007_set_designThe picture above is a 3D model created by us of what our new set will look like. This time the theme of the set is a workout room in a tropical paradise. Perhaps the biggest differences with the new set as compared to last years set are the giant pictures you see in the background. This year we will use these very large photos (16 ft x 40 ft each) on both the side and back walls. The pictures this year are made in a totally different way from last year’s backdrop picture and are extremely realistic. In fact, it will be very hard to tell that they’re not real, unlike last year’s photo backdrop. We’ve also added a second window to the side wall and have eliminated the blue square wall design you saw in our last production. (Please note only one window on the side wall is shown above). These photographs are being flown in from California early next week and will be installed by professional installers at the end of next week. A gang of carpenters and artist will also start transforming our current set into what you see above in just a few more days. Please keep in mind that this is only model and the way a video set will look to you on your TV will be a little different because of lighting and camera perspective

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