2009 Cathe Roadtrip

Friday July 31st through Sunday August 2nd

Hi Everyone! It is official….the 2009 Cathe Road Trip will be held Friday July 31st through Sunday August 2nd. Yippee, mark your calendars.

We will provide way more details for hotel booking and event details in the upcoming week but I did at least want to let you know the date so that you can begin making your summer plans.

Here are a few more details we can share:


1. So that we can offer attendance fairly and to as many people as possible, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO REGISTER ONLY FOR ONE PERSON.

2. We have room for 105 to attend the Road Trip. The 105 spots will be filled on a first-come first-served basis, and we will also fill a Wait List of 105 people.

3. Registration for the Road Trip will begin on Monday Feb 23rd at 2pm EST on our website at https://cathe.com/roadtrip/2009.htm (this link will not work until the sign up begins.) Registration is not available by phone or mail. We will leave this registration open until we have sold out the 105 spots and filled the Wait List.

4. The Registration Fee for this year’s Road Trip will be $279.00 per person. You will need a credit card to register. If you are one of the 105 people who secure a spot on a Road Trip, a $100 non-refundable down payment will be charged to your credit card immediately after you register. The balance ($179) will be automatically charged to your account one month before the Road Trip (June 30th). We need to strongly request that you DO NOT SIGN UP if you really aren’t sure that you’ll be able to attend. While we certainly realize that sometimes things come up that are out of our control, we are trying to keep the sign ups fair to both you and us. Having a whole bunch of cancelations occur just before the road trip makes it so that someone who really wanted to come, no longer can, as they haven’t been given a fair amount of time to make proper arrangements. On our end it is difficult because we have already finalized our head counts for the caters, bus company, and hotel room blocks. So please keep of this all in mind at the time that you sign up and thank you in advance for your consideration.

5. You will receive an automated e-mail confirmation from Cathe dot com after you register. Please read the e-mail carefully. It will tell you whether you secured one of the 105 attendance spots and, if so, that your credit card has been charged for your down payment. It will also tell you if you have been placed on the Wait List. If you are wait-listed, your credit card will not be charged at the time of registration.

6. Wait Listers, we will notify you if a spot becomes available. If you accept the spot, we will charge the $100 non-refundable down payment to your credit card at that time and also will notify you when the balance will be charged to your credit card.

HOTELS: Yippee!!! Once again we’ve been able to get preferred rates at our first-choice hotels, the Fairfield Inn Deptford and the all-suites Residence Inn Deptford, just a few miles and 12 minutes down the road from our gym. These “sister” hotels are clean, nicely furnished, very comfortable and right next door to each other. The friendly staff is really looking forward to hosting our group again. Details on how to call and book your room with our special rates will follow soon.

Once again for this year’s Road Trip, round-trip bus transportation to and from the Fairfield Inn/Residence Inn for ALL Road Trip events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be included in your registration fee.

There are lots of available shuttle, limo, taxi and van services that you can use for your transport between the Philadelphia Airport or local Amtrak stations and the hotels. From the Airport we recommend Rapid Rover. More details for you will follow soon on Rapid Rover and other ground transportation options and pricing.

MEALS: All scheduled meals will be included in your registration fee.


I am so thrilled to report that our original, famously friendly and efficient Road Trip Coordinators will be joining us AGAIN… Let’s hear it for Kathy Shapiro, Debbie Hollingshead, and Lorrayne Schaefer!!!!!!

These three amazingly thorough and organized women always do such a phenomenal job. I am so fortunate that they have excitedly offered to take on this monumental challenge once again.

(((((((((Thank you from the bottom of my heart ladies. I can’t wait to work with you again :* :7)))))))))))))))

I’m already so excited. I can’t wait to meet new friends and say hello to old friends! See you this summer!!!


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