Lorraine’s Bio

lorraine_bioI am 40 yrs old, happily married, and have been involved in the fitness industry for 15 years. I am a certified personal trainer with clients from 19 to 72 years of age. I teach multiple kickboxing classes weekly as well as body sculpting, circuit training, and an outdoor boot camp training program in the spring and fall.
I generally stay in shape all year round by lifting four days a week as well as doing cardio four times a week (spinning, running, and jumping rope). Of course, this is in addition to my classes. I like variety, so I will change my workout at least every two weeks.
I enjoy what I do immensely and find joy in helping others achieve their fitness goals.
Video Prep
To get in shape for videos, I still lift 4 days a week but I increase my weights for each exercise and decrease my repetitions. Regarding my cardio, I increase the length of my workouts from 45 minutes to 1 hour, 6 days a week. In addition, I call my workout buddy Jai, we like to motivate or dare each other into another set ,which is a lot of fun.
As far a dieting is concerned, I try to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day which consists of fish, chicken, turkey, brown rice, some fruits and a “yummy” spinach salad from Jai’s restaurant.

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