SNM Videos
I like the preorders the way they are done now too.
The only thing I think could have been done differently was back when STS was first announced (was that back In October of 2007?) it could have been stressed that this series may take a full ~YEAR~ or longer
to be released.
The presale started in January and many people were speculating we would have it by May...then July....
The presale actually started around Jan 15th 2008. We were very careful at that time to warn everyone on our presale launch page "not to preorder unless they were willing to wait a very long time" We also stated that presales are intended for customers who have been purchasing our workouts for a long time and trust us to deliver a quality product. Our policy is not to give dates or time frames as they are not something we know or have any confidence in being correct.
We realize that many people guessed on a delivery date, but these dates ranged from a few months to well over a year and were just speculation on their part. If you look at the history of our presales you will find that on smaller projects it always takes us anywhere from 3 months to 7 months after filming to finish a project and bring it to market. STS has been in post for only 8 1/2 months which we realize is a long time for most customers, but actually incredibly fast for a production of 41 DVDs done at very high standard. This is only a few months longer than we normally take in finishing much smaller presale DVD projects.
As a business it would be foolish for us to delay or take our time in releasing a product. We realize that customers are willing to wait only so long, but we are also not willing sacrifice on quality and with us - quality always wins. The only way to reduce post production time is to cut back on the quality of the project.
We will certainly listen to everyones feedback on this issue and take it into consideration if we have another presale in the future.
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