Found some more info on the videos from the video fitness forum:
Beginner – The Fit Tower™ Slim and Trim Beginner Workout is the perfect 36 minute workout for someone who is new to fitness and new to the Fit Tower and/or has been away from fitness workouts for about a year. After an easy to follow warm up, there will be three unique Fit Tower segments each targeting a specific area of the body (Lower Body, Upper Body and Core). The workout concludes with a nice stretch.
Intermediate – The Fit Tower™ Long and Strong Intermediate Workout is the perfect 33 minute workout for someone who has already mastered the Fit Tower™ Slim and Trim workout or a person who already works out on a regular basis at least one to two times a week. After an easy to follow warm up, there will be three unique Fit Tower segments each targeting a specific area of the body (Lower Body, Upper Body and Core). The workout concludes with a nice stretch. The difference between the beginner and intermediate Fit Tower workouts is that the exercises in the intermediate workout are a little more challenging and are delivered a little more quickly.
Advanced – The Fit Tower™ Lean and Mean Advanced Workout is the perfect 34 minute workout for someone who has already mastered the Fit Tower™ Slim and Trim and Fit Tower™ Long and Strong workout and is looking for a greater challenge or someone who exercises 3 or more times per week regularly. After an easy to follow warm up, there will be three unique Fit Tower™ segments each targeting a specific area of the body (Lower Body, Upper Body and Core). The workout concludes with a nice stretch. The difference between the beginner, intermediate and advanced Fit Tower workouts is that the exercises in the advanced workout are even more challenging and are delivered in a much more rapid manner than the two previous programs.
Once again in closing, we will provide a link to Pre-Order the new Fit Tower™ starting July 18th!
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