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  1. L

    Weak Ankles and STEP

    Gobias!!! Thanks so much for the info on the brace. I ordered one yesterday and can't wait to get it. I don't think I tore things as severely as you, although it still hurts from time to time. I can run on a treadmill forever and it doesn't bother me at all. Isn't it strange? Everyone...
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    Weak Ankles and STEP

    Hi Cathe, I have been doing your workouts since the very first one, but stopped the STEP ones a couple of years ago because I can't find a shoe to support my ankles enough. I was doing one of the workouts and didn't hit the step correctly and fell to the floor. I honestly thought I had broken...
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    Has anyone heard of this? You drink a couple of ounces diluted in 8 oz. of water and it's supposed to curb your appetite. My dh and and I would like to give it a try, but it's not cheap, so I'd love to hear if anyone has had good results with it. Thanks, Lee Anne
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    Question about 1 RM

    I guess I should have looked at the workout manager first. I found my answer. Thanks anyway! :-) Lee Anne
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    Question about 1 RM

    Do you find your 1 RM for each exercise, or do a 1 RM for shoulders, one first biceps, etc.? I got mine and can hardly wait to get started. Thanks! Lee Anne
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    Ryka N-Gage Shoes

    I'm glad to hear they are wider in the toe box. Thanks for your response!:-) Lee Anne
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    Ryka N-Gage Shoes

    Has anyone tried these? I have been using the Enlights for years, but they aren't wide enough at the ball of my foot and my toes are going numb when I do my workouts. I've got to have some kind of ankle support when I do the Step, so I thought I might give these a try. Does anyone know if...
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    Adoption pros and cons?

    I have a 14 year old biological son and a 9 year old daughter who entered our home through adoption. We went through Bethany Christian Services. I was there for her birth and she has been with us since she was three days old. This agency has offices all over the US and has a wonderful support...
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    Sugar question

    I am giving up sugar and simple carbs. Does anyone know how long it takes to get the sugar out of your system, and also how long it takes for your body to recover from the ill effects of sugar? Thanks, Lee Anne
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    What was your first Cathe workout

    Wow...the first one I did was Step in Motion and I bought it from 1-800-Say STEP. That was in 1990 or 1991. She just keeps getting better each year. :-) Lee Anne
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    Planter Warts

    You're going to think this is crazy, but it really does work. A lady from my Bible study told me to do it. My son had a huge one on the ball of his foot. He plays tennis and it was to the point that it was interfering with his game. I was telling her this and she said to cover the wart with...
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    How many activity points is Cathe worth?

    I have a HR monitor on and I consistently burn between 350 and 400 calories with a step tape. According to WW's, an hour of step aerobics counts 6 pts. I don't think that is quite enough, though, because a point is basically 50 calories. I don't ever use my pts. ...just like to see how many I...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge 2/27-3/5

    Hi everyone! Today was my weigh day and I lost 2 lbs. and I'm up $280!! Woohooo!!!:-) I tell ya. Losing weight the right way is slow going, isn't it. I am so tempted to crash diet, because we're heading to FL in a month, but I think I need to stick with what I'm doing. One interesting...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28

    Hey everyone, Yesterday was a complete bust on exercising. I was totally unmotivated and not in the mood to workout, but I did it anyway...well...kind of. I tried Step Blast...was getting frustrated because I couldn't get the moves right...then dh called and I had to stop to help him with...
  15. L

    Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28

    Hi everyone, Well...I can't relate to the PMS. I guess I'm about past it and never had real problems as far as bloating...but, oh boy, did my moods change. I hope everyone feels better soon. I'm still doing good about my eating. I think this bet with dh is going to do the trick. Each...
  16. L

    Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28

    Wow! Have ya'll done Low Max yet? I thought is was going to be easier than some of the ones I've done. Ummmm...I don't think so. In fact, I burnt more calories doing it than the others...532. Can you believe that. I kept my HRM on for another 20 min. and had gotten up to 570 calories. My...
  17. L

    Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28

    FFD, I got a HRM, too, and I looked down one time, and my hr was in the 180's. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, too. LOL I am still amazed at the amount of calories I'm burning. Does anyone use a body mass calibrator? If so, which one? Well, I weighed today and had lost 1.5...
  18. L

    Any benefits from just "Standing"

    RE: Any benefits from just I saw something about this just the other day, I believe, on the Today show. The doctor said that if you would do the things you normally do sitting standing up, you would boost your metabolism. I can't remember how much, but it was a good bit more. Lee Anne
  19. L

    Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28

    Hey everyone, Here are my measurements, as embarrassing as they are. I'd say I'm a little thick around the middle. I'm hoping to get about 6 inches off of the core area...maybe a little more off of the waist. Waist 33.5 Hips 39 Thigh 22.5 calf 12.75 arm 11 chest 38.75 Thanks, Lori...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 14-20

    Hi everyone, Excuse my typing mistakes, because my arms are still shaking an hour after finishing Muscle Max. That's a pretty tough workout. I had to make myself workout today, but I feel so much better now. I'm going to post my measurements tomorrow, since the others are from a week ago and...