Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28

Good Morning Ladies,
Sounds like everyone is off to a good start today.:) I was surprised to see so many check-ins.
Things are good here.I managed to do Muscle Max yesterday (can we call it MM yet?)Then last night I planned on running but I ended up on the phone for to long and I had to work today at 7:30.Thats where I am now.My boss is out of town so I plan on leaving soon,for an extended lunch break.Something tells me I won't be eating though....sleep sounds good:)
Maria-I don't know how I do it some times.Right now I am working 1 1/2 jobs.I just started a new job that is shift work and I wanted to try and keep my casual job.BUT it looks as if that job is going to become redundent anyway(THANK GOD!!!)So, I am trying to stick it out until April 7, that way I can get my serverence pay.Other then that,I would just be working one full time job.
Lori-I tried Kick Max yesterday (can we call it KM now?):) But I turned it off part of the way through.I just don't like kick boxing.It as nothing to do with cathe...just not my style.
Today I am going to go for a run and that will be it.I am sore today from MM yesterday.I was having trouble lifting b/c I felt tired.
I am also going out tonight for a couple of drinks so I am going to try and eat clean all day today, then I won't feel so bad tonight.I don't plan on being out real late....
I will check back later,
I did it!!!!! Finally a workout in! Hopefully this time I really am back on track! Watched IMAX3 - all I can say is oh my goodness. I'll make my first attempt next weekend probably, but from what I saw, it is going to be Cathe's toughest workout yet. Did Kickmax, which wasn't as hard as I expected, but still a great workout. My heartrate stayed between 145 and 190 throughout it. Lori, I'm not the biggest fan of kickboxing either, but I used to get some nice results with Taebo so I do it. Plus its a nice somewhat lower impact alternative.

Tomorrow I am going to try MM and my first premix ever, a timesaver step routine of some sort (or Rhythmic Step which I've been having the urge to do lately). Hope everyone else is going great!
Hi Gals,
Just finished my workout.:) It wasn't enjoyable though.I was really dragging my feet but I managed to run 5 miles.
Did anyone look at the rotations Cathe posted? There seem to be some good ones there.I am thinking about doing the Fat Loss rotation but add some running when I have time.
I went to the mall today to buy something to wear out tonight.Lets just say,that I wasn't impressed.I really need to clean up my act.I wasn't happy with the way my arms were looking in the sleeveless shirts so I guess i will be wearing something long sleeved:-(
I think I want toresort back to counting calories.I did well with that before b/c I made the right food choices.Sort of like being on WW I guess.I just have to get into it for a couple of days and then I will be set.Its just so hard getting started!
I am not going to get down on myself though.I am going to go out tonight and enjoy myself and I will deal with ME tomorrow!
Hey everyone,

Yesterday was a complete bust on exercising. I was totally unmotivated and not in the mood to workout, but I did it anyway...well...kind of. I tried Step Blast...was getting frustrated because I couldn't get the moves right...then dh called and I had to stop to help him with something. I tried to get started again, and finally gave up. ...but I made up for it today. I felt great!!! I did Step Max, one of the ab workouts from ab hits, and wait...I'm not finished...GS Chest and Triceps. :-D I took a shower right after I finished and could hardly lift the bar of soap. LOL I'm actually feeling thinner for the first time since I started this, so I'll be anxious to weigh and take my measurements on Tuesday.

Maria, so glad you have joined us. These girls have been great in helping stay on track.

Lorihart, I haven't looked at the rotations that Cathe posted, but if there is a fat loss one, I may do that, too. I'm not good at doing diets that I don't count points/calories either. I'm not disciplined enough.

FFD, congrats on working out!!! I tried KPC a month or so ago and decided I was completely uncoordinated. I couldn't get my arms and legs moving right except in the warm up. LOL

I don't think I'll be able to workout tomorrow unless I get up really early.

Lee Anne
Good morning everyone!

Lori, oh I know what you mean about Your 2 year old climbing out of the crib! I'm dreading the moment when my 1 year old will figure that one out! Ouch! I bumped into Cathe through the internet looking for new advanced videos. I actually started out with Jane Fond, going on to Gin Miller etc. But once I found CAthe...well, the old story...;)) By the way, your running sounds awesome! Wau!

Future fitness dynamo, thanks for your welcome! I know, it's really fun to think how widespread "Catheisim" is ;). I love to think that someone on the other side on the globe is probably jumping to Imaxes the same time I'm doing it up here... ;)) I totally agree, the imaxes and low energy are an awful combination! Great that you did Kickmax, I did it this morning too! I'm not that big of a kickboxing fan either, but I actually like this workout quite a lot. The leg drills at the end totally hit that great spot for me; I'm an apple shape with basically no hips, so I'm hoping those side drills might bring me some hips...;))

Oh lorihart, that sounds incredibly tough with 1 1/2 jobs! Hats up for your persistence! Thank goodness the end is in sight... something to look forward to, and just think how easy "just" one job will feel after what you're going through now! Sounds like you to have to constantly choose between sleep, eating, working out and yes, actually having some sort of social life! I too looked at Cathes rotations, and am also thinking of doing the fat loss one. I still haven't decided.

Lee Anne, thanks for your welcome too. Those low-energy days are awful, and isn't it just amazing how working out on a good day can feel so totally different! Maybe our bodies are telling us something... but why do I always feel guilty for skipping planned workouts...? You got quite a workout in, definitely made up for one missed day and more! Wau!

Anyway, my eating was okay yesterday, (thank god), ate lots of veggies , this soy-stuff and some beans. I'm starting to think a pretty vegetarian diet suits me as I really had lots of energy all day and even for my workout in the morning!

I actually did GS Triceps and Chest, and boy Lee Anne, I hear Ya! I had to sip my water with two hands afterwards as I was afraid my arms would just totally give in...;))) That tricep stuff really got me there...!!!

Anyway, hoping ya all have a great Sunday!

Maria, I bet you and I have something in common today - a sore behind!!!! WOW!!! Every time I move I feel it! And upper body too, which I'm guessing was because of weighted gloves during Kickmax. Feels great though to wake up knowing you did something!

Lorihart, I really admire you for running 5 miles on low energy, that is so tough. You are definitely extremely disciplined about working out no matter what the circumstances. I hope today you feel great!

Lorisax, how are you doing, how's your motivation? Mines great today, but we'll see this week. IT seems like during the week its hard for me with work. My goals for the week are to get up in the mornings again. As hard as it may be, there is simply nothing like getting a good workout in first thing.

What is everyone going to do today? I'm thinking maybe one of the GS upper body workouts and maybe Rhythmic Step if I get everything else done that I need to.
Good Morning Everyone,
Im surprised there are so many check ins on a Sunday morning.The forum always seems quiet on Sundays.I should probably be in church to,like everyone else.
Im feeling o.k today.I had 4 drinks last night, on a empty belly.And I got to bed at 2:30.My daughter woke me up at 10.Which is not bad.So I dragged my sorry a$$ out of bed.I have done a few loads of laundry since then,vacummed etc......but I am getting sleepy again.I counted up the hours that I have to work this week. 73 HOURS!!!!! IN ONE WEEK! I must be completely out of my mind.I HAVE to get proper rest for this week.I can't be putting sleep at the bottom of my list so tonight I will be in bed by 10.That will get me a good 8 hours of sleep.:)
I am not sure what I am going to do today.I have to see what is on the rotation.I think its Imax3.My friend wanted to come over and try MM but my shoulders are still a bit sore from doing it the other day.I am also thinking of cooking dinner and have my in-laws down but it may be more work then I bargined for.
I will check back later,

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