Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28

Hi Everyone,
Another day when I didn't think I would fit my workout in.I got called into work in the morning,which means I didn't have to work tonight.Its weird but I have more time to workout when I work nights.I thought I would be tired but I always find time to workout that day.
I didn't think i was going to find the energy to workout tonight and I wasn't in the mood either! SOOOO,I went to the mall and bought a new pair of sneakers:) I had to try them out.I did GS chest and Tri and then I went for a 6 mile run.My workout was a bit rough starting out.I didn't feel strong when lifting and when I got on my treadmill,there was a strange knocking noise somewhere.It was very annoying but I tried my best to ignore it.
Anyway,all is well.I feel better now that I have it over with.I will check in in the morning.
Good Night,
Good Morning Everyone,
Does anyone feel any slimmer yet? BOO HOO!!! I don't! I really have to stay focused.I am thinking of having smaller meals (6 a day)and a couple of those being protein shakes.I use to get good results when eating smaller meals...I will try it again:) Its funny b/c when I want to drop a couple of pounds,I always think its gonna happ'in immediately.Yet I know the difference but it doesn't keep me from getting discouraged.Prehaps I need to look at things in a different light.
Anyway,today I am either going to do Low Max OR one of the workouts from the HC Extreme DVD.I am planning on doing legs as well.
I have to work tonight so I MAY try and squeeze a run in after lunch.We will see.
Oh,Im such a dork.The strange knocking noise in my treadmill was a piece of board that was over the cord.I guess with all the bouncing,the cord was moving and the board was hitting the floor.That happened to me one time before.I told DH there was a weird noise and when we looked the bag of dog food was at the end of the treadmill and was making a scraping noise.
Hi Ladies.....No good news to report. My eating has been HORRENDOUS, I have the worst PMS I have had in forever, I haven't worked out, and there is no way I can muster up the strength today. Eight weeks and 7 lbs. of hard work, and I feel like I have gained 10 back. I am so bloated, I have the worst headcahe, I just feel so awful, I can not tell you. So, I am going to go lie down, it is the only thing I can do well at this point.
LoriSax - Thanks so much for saying that! I am in the EXACT SAME PLACE all of a sudden. Since about Tuesday, no workouts, not even in inkling of motivation for it...I'm just so TIRED lately! I can't even blame it on my period! Every so often I get into these slumps. My eating hasn't been all that bad, I just can't muster enough excess energy to workout! I hope you feel better - is there anything you can take to diminish the symptoms of PMS?

I can only hope the weekend will give me just what I need. I am doing too much workwise as usual and I should know my now that when I do that, I sacrifice my own personal goals. You only have so much energy and effort to go around!
Good Morning Ladies,

I certainly understand the PMS issues as I suffer through them monthly. This morning I did Low Max for the first time. It was okay. I will definitely be feeling all the leg later today or tomorrow.

Anyone done Imax 3? I semi-did/watched intervals 1-5. At the time I couldn't keep up with Cathe and crew. Maybe if I preview it again I won't keep putting it off. I'm scared of it.

Have a great day everyone,

It seem as if everyone is having PMS symptoms this month.I am on day 6 of my period and am still pretty heavy.Very weird.I am normally finished by now.I don't know if it would be stress related ot what it is.
Diana- I have done Imax 3 twice now.I have also done the Interval workout on the HC Extreme DVD, which is 1/2 of Imax3 and 1/2 of Low Max.I love Imax 3 and I have no problem keeping up with them.I think it is all of the interval running I have been doing over the last little while.Its really increased my endurance.
Today I did the Interval workout from HC extreme and abs.I was suppose to do legs but my knee is acting up from last nights run;( I hate squating when my knee feels funny.Sometimes it feels as if its gonna snap.It doesn't really hurt,just uncomfortable and funny.
Other then that I am feeling lazy to.I think I am going to have a nap.I have to work tonight so I will need to catch some Z's this afternoon.
Hi everyone,

Well...I can't relate to the PMS. I guess I'm about past it and never had real problems as far as bloating...but, oh boy, did my moods change. I hope everyone feels better soon.

I'm still doing good about my eating. I think this bet with dh is going to do the trick. Each time I think about cheating, I remember how much it's going to cost me monetarily and I don't do it. Yesterday was my rest day, and I did Step Max this morning along with one of the ab workouts. I love my HRM. It's so fun seeing where your HR is and seeing the number of calories burnt. I tell ya. It is soooo hard to get myself to workout every day. I know it takes me at least 30 minutes of roaming around the house before I finally talk myself into it. Once I start, I'm glad I did it and really don't want to stop with just one workout...but it's the getting started that bugs me. I won't be doing two workouts until I get in better shape. I don't want to overdo. Do any of you have that problem?

We're having a pizza party for ds's Upward's basketball team tonight, so wish me luck. I don't think I'll be that tempted to eat it, though, because I'm not that crazy about Domino's pizza. After that, I think I'll watch a little Survivor and CSI. :7

Lee Anne
Hi everybody, long time, no talk. I have been eating poorly, but I did run yesterday, 3.5 miles, plus walked one mile. I didn't do weights, very busy with social engagements. It is over now, and I don't have plans for a while. Tonight I am running again and I have to do upper body!!

I hope everybody is feeling better. LoriHart what kind of sneaks did you get?

Have a nice day,
Leanne, I forgot to mention, yes, I do have to psych myself up to workout. Congrats on sticking to your healthy eating! You are going to be rich.

Maybe I can get my dh to do the same thing. :) Probably not though, since we are already in a challenge together.

Lori-I bought a pair of Asics Gels sneaks.(i think thats how you spell it)I think this is my first time owning a pair of these.I normally buy new balance.I have had a couple pairs of Nikes but I think that they are narrow and my feet are not.Alot of the time, my toes will go numb until I break them in.
This sneaks feel really comfy though.Last night they seemed o.k but it takes a few times to break them in.
Eating today as went really well.I am trying to keep myself around 1200 cals.I am working the night shift though and I am hoping that I will be able to stay away from food.The only thing that might save me are the oatmeal bars I bought the other day.Other then that, there is only ice cream and cookies around here! That would be a big no-no!
I am hoping to get a good workout in tomorrow.Right after I have a good nap.Maybe I will do Muscle Max tomorrow instead of Sat.I may go out with the girls sat night for a couple of drinks:)
Hi everyone. Sorry for the outburst earlier. I am feeling much better now. I've just been so busy, and I HATE it when I'm too tired to work out! I feel like a work so hard at it, and get going really well, and then other things get in the way, and its just frustrating. Also because I really LIKE doing Cathe and hate when I don't have time for it. Like tonight, I was so going to workout, even though I got home at 8:15, but my fiancee wanted to talk and since I haven't seen him all day, I did too and felt obligated to. I did watch Kickmax today and it looks tough. Who has tried it?
FFD, I don't think you had an "outburst" :) It's just the trials of everyday life. I don't even work, and I still don't fit it in sometimes! So don't feel bad. I am so lazy some days. I do little self-sabotaging things also, like stay up too late, etc. So it really sets me up for failure the next day. I am so tired I don't even want to think about working out.

Anyway... I haven't tried kickmax, nor have I viewed it. I am looking forward to trying it. Maybe I will tomorrow. I ran today and did chest and triceps, what a killer those pushups are! It's comical to see me attempting all of those pushups! I can't even do them all and I do girl pushups. There will be a day when I do real pushups!

I am so unhappy to report that my no carb after 2 plan has gone straight to h@ll the last few days. I am back on track tomorrow.

Have a nice evening,
Morning ladies!

Lori, I've been struggling with the carb thing too. Porbably because my carb craving hits around 3:00!:)

I am a bit sick this morning, and wonder if maybe my tiredness and inability to get myself up is partly still a result of that thing I had a while back. Several people around here have mono...

I am still planning to workout today, maybe even tackle kickmax. If not that, then muscle max. Great luck today ladies!
Hi everyone!

I'm wondering if it'd be okay to join this check in?

I just jumped on the scales this morning and was shocked; i've gained about 8 pounds in a really short time period!!! I have GOT TO get my eating in check, and I think a check-in forum would really help on this.

Some background here; I've gone through some really tough times in my personal life, and have recently become the single mother of two small kids (ages 1 and 2,5). I also work full-time, so I'm struggling to find the energy for everything. I think I try to make up for feeling tired by fueling more than needed, plus just eating a lot on the run doesn't help.

I really want to get rid of this 8 pounds, and find a workout routine that's flexible enough to allow for some slack when things are just really busy. I'm one of those people who start feeling quilty about missing exercise, but at the same time I feel like sleep would at times be even more valuable to me. So maybe some of You would have some good ideas for good rotations or something...

I'm located here in Scandinavia...;), so sorry if my english is off at's not my mother tongue...;).

Anyway, hope it would be okay to join here???! You all seem like a really fun crowd, would love to get to know you better!

Maria- It is so nice to have you!!!!

I feel a little better today. At least it finally started, and that is good. I have not felt this bad in a long time. I am going to work out today, and do Low Max. I really like this workout, and I just can't handle any jumping today.

I am going to switch from Flex to Core for awhile, just to make it easier on myself. I have learned the portion control part from Flex, and I am going to be so busy the next month, I just think it would be easier to try this for awhile.

I hope everyone else is feeling better too.
FFD, I hope you are feeling better. Don't get mono!! :)

Maria, Welcome!!! What country are you living in Scandanavia?

LoriSax, I am so impressed with your commitment to WW. Good for you! I should of stayed on the program, I can always restart!

Lorihart, I hope you are having a nice morning. I thought for sure you would of already posted. :)

I am doing a Cathe DVD for cardio-probably kickmax. I will check back in and tell everybody how it went.

Ahhhhhh...Lori,you know me to well.And I would have normally posted if I didn't work last night.I was so sleepy and I still haven't caught up.I only slept for 4 hours! I had to get up b/c my daughter will be comming home soon for her lunch.I may be full of energy by the time she goes back OR I may be ready to hit the sack again.
I plan on going for a run and doing Muscle Max today.WHEN I get the energy.
Maria-Its nice having you join.You will really enjoy the support you get here.No one fights or argues.Hopefully you will get your life in order soon.Everything will fall into place.
I will check back later,
Hi everyone!

All Loris, thank you for the welcome! I feel very happy about joining this check-in, besides it being great to get to know everyone it's a perfect thing to do when those munchies hit! Also, it's so encouraging to read how everyone else is doing.

Lori, I live in Finland, thanks for asking. We're enjoying a really nice sunny Saturday today, still snow on the ground, but the days are getting lighter and lighter which means spring is knocking on the door soon...:)

Lorihart, I gather that you work in shifts? I have to lift my hat for all the energy you seem to have with little sleep! How do you do it? I find myself quite tired often (my 1 year old still wakes up in the middle of the night quite often), and I really feel it affects my workouts and eating (I get the worst munchies being tired!) Do you get that? Have you found anything that helps (except more sleep of course...)? Anybody else?

LoriSax, I love Low Max too for days when I don't quite have the energy for jumping (like for instance on all those (too many!) days when I've been eating way too much and just feel really fat. I'll do Low Max on those days, as I don't want to feel like an elephant jumping in the living room and causing an earthquake somewhere...;)

Anyway, my second day of eating okay, I still feel fat, but so far so good... I did Imax3 this morning, didn't quite have my usual energy, but I did finish it, so I feel okay about that. I'm going to try to do some GS in the evening once I get the kids in bed.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing good, and wishing you all a nice and cozy weekend ;)!

Good Morning, I didn't do kickmax yesterday. I ran 3 miles, walked 2. I am trying to prepare for the 4 mile race I am running in. I didn't do weights yesterday.

Maria, how did you hear about Cahte? I am sure Finland is absolutely gorgeous. I can relate to your sleepiness. My 2 year old has just discovered how to climb out of his crib last week. He thinks it's fun to climb out over and over again. We are buying him a big boy bed this week.

I am doing weights today if it kills me. I don't know what cardio I am doing.

Have a good day.

Morning ladies!

Maria, I'd like to welcome you also! Its neat to think of how far across the world Cathe has made it! I'm also impressed that you did Imax 3 this morning! Not a workout for the weary! I hate it when I do one of the Imaxes and feel low energy.

Today I am going to attempt Kickmax for the first time. If I'm really ambitious, I may also tackle one of the GS upper body workouts. They sound like real killers. I love Cathe's new set, really serene and beautiful.

Eating has not been too bad, and I'm proud of myself for that. Even though my workouts have been lacking lately, my body doesn't look too much the worse for wear, and I'm glad I didn't do what i usually do when I can't workout for some reason - get overly frustrated, panic about the loss of progress, and eat whatever I want to make myself feel better!

I'll check in later when I actually have a WORKOUT to talk about!

I hope everyone meets their goals for today!!!!!

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