Summer Fitness Challenge 2/27-3/5


There are so many posts, I just decided to start a new thread. I hope no one minds. I am still feeling so fat and lazy, my eating has been horrid. I am starting to count my Points again today, NO excuses!!!!! I am going to either do the interval workout from HC Extreme, or the BootCamp workout from KM, and a core segement. I will probably do the KM workout. My core really needs it.

The rotations Cathe posted just don't suit my fancy. I like more cardio, and more weights. I like to work every body part 2 times per week, so I will probably just keep doing nmy own thing.

Have a good day everyone.
LoriSax, are you crazy? You are not lazy, and I am sure you are not fat! If I did half as much as you I would be thrilled. :)

I am going to do the fatloss rotation. I am going to jump in and start today. It's a good thing too, because I was going to rest today, and stretchmax is on the rotation for Sunday. I don't have HC Extreme, so I will have to substitute. I have the other 10 DVD's.

Eating has been going fairly well. I went to a party last night with a Mexican theme. It's a good thing I only had one plate. Usually I would of gone for seconds.

It seems like everybody is doing really well. I still need to clean up my diet a little. It's a constant struggle. I still feel good, my pants are baggy. But still!

Maria, your English is fabulous. My 2 year old has discovered how to climb out of his crib. He has a very adventurous spirit. He is a wild man. My 4 year old never climbed out, he has a more calm demeanor. I am hoping this climbing out is just a phase. I think he is thrilled he can "climb out". We are shopping for a bed tomorrow, it is time. :)

Have a wonderful Sunday,
Thanks for starting the new thread! I am so glad we have 6-7 people checking in on a fairly regular basis. I find I'm starting to think of you guys when I'm about to convince myself I deserve something bad (like dessert at night, not to workout, etc).

Did Rhythmic Step and one Ab Hits workout today. Now i'm more sore! Lori, I agree about the HC rotations. I think I'm going to stick with my plan too and incorporate HC vids as I can.

Relaxing the rest of the night, as I got all my work done too. I WILL get up tomorrow at 6:00 for upper body!
Hi Ladies,

I didn't work out Friday or Saturday. Too busy on Friday and too lazy on Saturday. I know, not very good excuses. But today I did Muscle Max and Imax 3. This was my first time doing Imax 3, I previewed and kind of did interval 1-5. I really like this w/o. I'm sure it will become a weekly fix for me.

I am also going to try to follow the fat loss rotation and add in a few more weight days, or as a second w/o that day. My eating-started out great but ended with chile con queso and chips.:( Probably shouldn't have had all that salt since tomorrow is my weigh in at ww. Oh well.

Here's to a new HardCore Week.:)

Morning everyone!

Lori, thanks for Your compliment.;)I'm so happy my 1 year old still hasn't figured out how to climb out of her crib. I'm dreading the moment she will...;/!

Future fitness dynamo, me too; I start thinking on everyone here when those munchies hit! It works pretty well, as well as just coming and dropping a few lines here. Love it!

Diana, I love Imax3 as well! I've done it a few times, and it's definitely my favourite of the Imaxes. MM on top of that is awesome!

I was thinking of doing the March rotation, but I really felt like Circuit Max this morning, so I did that one instead. I'm extremely sore from doing almost all GS workouts (except for back, which is on for tonight...)and Kickmax yesterday. But I love those leg drills, I think I'm already starting to feel more hips on me (which is a good thing for me since I'm an apple shape), or then it's just wishful thinking... How does everyone else find the leg drills?

I might switch over to the March fatloss rotation, or then I'll just incorporate it loosely into my own thing. Some days you just know what your body needs, some days you're just too tired to think of a good workout...

Oh, fourth day of eating ok...Thank God! It's starting to look good, I'm usually okay if I get in a straight 3-4 days of clean eating. For some reason I find it hard to start, I'm okay once I get " on the wagon again..." Don't know why that is...

Anyway, wishing you all a great beginning of the week...!

Good Morning Everyone,
Is everyone ready to start another week? With a new rotation,maybe? I think I am going to follow Cathes fat loss rotationas well and add a few more running days in there.:)
I didn't do anything yesterday.I was meaning to run last night but I felt to full from dinner.I didn't eat alot but I just felt like I ate everything that was on the table.I drank ALOT of water as well so I am sure that didn't help.Instead I decided to go to bed early.But I tossed and I turned alnight.I woke up at 2,3,5 and now 6.The good news is....I am up and going for a run today:) And I will do Imax 3 tonight.I would have had to get up at 6:30 anyway to get ready for work so another 30 min isn't going to kill me!
I think I have a fairly busy day.I shouldn't get tired if I have to keep moving, it's the days when I am not busy that I get sleepy.
I am limited on time so I will go for my run and check back later,
Good Morning AGAIN!
I finished my run and I am now at work:) I did 30 min, 3 miles.It was a good run.I felt better working out in the wee hours of the morning ,then I do somedays in the evening.I could have went for longer run but time was a factor and I just wanted enough exercise to get everything up and running today.
Does anyone have any goals for the month of March? For some reason....not sure why,I am going to aim for a 6 lbs weight loss.I weighed today and I won't weigh anymore until the end of March.I don't know why the number 6 is jumping out at me but it is.
Do you ever feel like you look bigger then you actually are? I think I feel like this 90% of the time.I went out sat night to buy a shirt to go out, and I felt like my arms were the size of tree trunks;( Then I end up feeling unattractive and so on.I went out with two gals that are really small.I felt like I was the biggest (b/c I was).I don't know if some of this stems from growing up b/c I was ALWAYS the smallest and I still wonder sometimes as to where I stand.So I don't know where I get the idea that b/c I am not super thin I am not that attractive b/c guess who got hit on the most? ME! Not that it mattered b/c I am married.They all got shot down nicely and I don't know why they didn't see the wedding ring...anyway...Before I went out, I had a hell of a time trying to find something to hind what I didn't want anyone else to see.I ended up putting on something that EVERYONE could see.It was a sweater that only had one arm and it was tight fitting.My jeans were also low cut.I felt o.k in this outfit but when I put it on, I thought I was going to be sitting in my seat all night b/c I looked horrible.But you know what...I didn't look to shabby!
Morel of my story? If we think we look awful,chances are we don't.I think we need to start seeing ourselves the way other people see us.Myself included,
Anyway,I will stop rambling and get to work.I have a busy day,I hope it flys by and I don't mess anything up!
Morning ladies! I WORKED OUT THIS MORNING!!! YAY!! This has been my challenge since I got sick early in February. I did PUB and my upper body is screaming! I'm so happy!!

Lori, it s a good idea to set goals for the month. I would like to have a month like I had in January. THis means to get 6 workouts in follwing the rotation I posted awhile back. I really noticed differences in my body, some of which held up even through my sporadic February workouts. I also got the idea yesterday that I want to really focus on one bodypart per month (I'll work them all, but really put most effort into one). THis month is abs. And of course, clean eating is always a goal!
Hi everyone!!!!! I am finally back on track. I did MM Ub this morning, and the premix of Imax 3, 1-5. I like this premix. I have done it a cvouple of times now.

Maria, I like the leg drills. The first time I did Kick Max, I didn't get them as well as I did yesterday. My buns and legs are sore today. The more I do the workout, the better I will get. I did it yesterday doing the Boot Camp premix. The blast is in the beginning. It keeps your heart rate up better thru out the whole workout I think. It doesn't include the leg drills, but I just went and added them on.

I would like my goal to be for the month of March, my weight to be at 140. That would be about probably 4 pound loss. The last time I weighed, I weighed 142.5, but I had 4 VERY bad days of stuffing myself, so I am sure I gained a couple, and I can feel it in my pants. Why do we get the "I don't care attitude", but then when it is all over, we really do care??

Hello Everyone,

I just finished IMAX 3! I have never done IMAX, or IMAX2 so I have nothing to compare it to. It was tough, some of the steps are still complicated. I like the intensity blasts because the foot work isn't complicated! I know I will get the hang of it all soon, and it will be so much fun.

I am following the fat loss rotation. On the days where it requires HC extreme I will be alternating HC upper body workouts. I have decided to follow it to a T for 4 weeks. If I can't do it for 4 weeks I have problems. :)

My goal for March is to lose 8 pounds. That is 2 pounds a week. I would like to lose 10, we will see.

I still have one CM segment to do for today. I will check in later.

Lori :)
Hello again,

I just ran 2 miles, power walked 1. I was feeling a little tired after Imax3. I wanted to run 3, but I don't want to overdo it. Off to do my segment of CM before hubby and kids come home from lunch and errands. I have the house to myself, how lovely. :)

Hi Gals,
My day went by pretty fast.It was really hectic for a while and by the time I finished up my paper work it was around 4.I only have 20 min to go and then I am off.
I plan on doing Imax 3 when I get home.DH is gone so I may do it in the living room, where I have surround sound and I can really turn the music up:) DH don't want me to wear out the new carpet,he is weird like that:)
Eating went really well today.I ate healthy and had a little treat.I am very impressed with myself.
I will check back later when I do my workout.
Have any of you guys done GS Legs??? i have only done it once, and it is on tap for tomorrow. I remeber the last time, my legs were so wiped, I could hardly funtion doing cardio. You know what??? I might do the Low Max Blast premix. I love that for just getting a quick adder-oner of cardio. Talk to you tommorrow.

LORI's- You both are so pretty!!! And young. I am an old lady compared to you guys, I am 41. I am going to have my husband take some pics of me and figure out how to put them on so you can see me too.

YES! We need to see pictures of you! I love looking at pictures and something tells me...your not as bad as you say you are!:)
I just finished Imax 3 and I am trying to get my child ready for bed.Its hard on Monday nights b/c she has gymnastics until 8:30.By the time I pick her up,she has her snack,shower and gets in the bed its 10.Which is way to late for a 9 year old.
Other then that,Imax3 really gave me a bad belly! I felt sick for a while.(I ate to late)I really like that workout....don't shoot me.....but its still not the hardest workout shes ever made.I can do it with no modifications, and maybe its just b/c I have my endurance increased with all the running.But I really like it and it seems to fly by.
I plan on getting up again tomorrow morning for another run before I work.So that means,I must get to bed early.
Chat with you soon,
Thanks LoriSax, I am sure you look pretty good yourself!

I haven't done GS Legs yet. I am afraid to. :)

I did the Segment 1 of CM. I don't think I will ever be able to levetate (sp?).

Have a great night, MM is on the agenda for tomorrow morning.

Good Morning Ladies,
I put another good run in today:) If I can get a 30 min interval run in before I eat in the morning....Im happy.In the BFL book, he says a 20 min interval workout is as good as a long workout.B/c you do it on a empty belly and you have to wait to eat for an hour.Tomorrow morning I am off so I think I may find it harder to workout in the wee hours.Maybe I will get up at 7:30.I won't be able to run on Thursday morning b/c I have to work at 6:30,I will just wait until I get home at 10:30.Its a great way to start your day right though.It seems to be the first thing to aid in weightloss.
I am working all day today but it isn't as busy as yesterday,which is a drag:-( I like being busy.The day just goes by so much faster.When I get home I plan on getting dinner,then doing MM and maybe another 30 min run.
I also had a good nights sleep.I didn't move until the alarm went off.Then I crawled back in bed.DH woke me up again at 6:17.I was limited on time but I did what I had to do and still made it to work.
Sounds like everyone else is doing good:)

Lori-Did you do all of those workouts yesterday? Thats nuts! Nothing I haven't done,I guess.CM-Circuit Max? I use to love that workout.I did Imax 3 last night and I can't imagine going for a run after.No wonder you were tired.

LoriSax-I did GS Legs once and I really liked it.I like it when I know I only have so many squats, or lunges.Sort of like S&H.

I should get some work done before the bosses come in! I will have lots of time to check the site out today:)
Have a good day,
Hi everyone!

Today was my weigh day and I lost 2 lbs. and I'm up $280!! Woohooo!!!:) I tell ya. Losing weight the right way is slow going, isn't it. I am so tempted to crash diet, because we're heading to FL in a month, but I think I need to stick with what I'm doing. One interesting thing is that I still have my measurements from one of the times I dieted a couple of years and my measurements in the core area are all from an inch to 1.5 inches smaller now than they were at the same weight. I'd say the exercising is working, wouldn't you?:)

I did one of the Step Classics yesterday and plan on doing another one today, plus an ab and GS upper...then I'm heading off to get my new camera. I can't wait!! I've been waiting for a year for it to come out...asked dh to not get me any presents last year so I could get it and it's finally here. :)

It looks like everyone is on track this week! Way to go! I agree...the two Lori's are dolls!

Have a great day, everyone!!!

Lee Anne
Ciongratulations Lee Anne!!!! Two lbs. lighter, and $280 dollars richer, I would say you are on the right track!!!!

I am just going to do the leg workout today, and a CM segement. My neck is really bothering me today, and I can just feel a migraine lurking. That leg workout is enough.

Tomorrow at 9 a.m. I take my Sh** Tzu, Rosie, for an x-ray to see if she is pregnant. I know she is, she is a completely different dog, but it will be nice to have a positive yes, and know how many puppies are in there.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Hallo everyone!

Another day okay with eating. Not as well as yesterday, but okay..., I didn't go overboard with anything, and I suppose I used up a lot of calories doing HC Extreme Hi-lo intensity intervals + core max 3. On top of this I actually attended a hydrobic class at the local swimming hall. I had the day off from work, so it was really nice to do all that working out all by myself, and enjoy a nice hot sauna afterwards. Did swell for my poor muscles... I might take the day off tomorrow from working out.

I made up a really good protein rich snack; cottage cheese mixed up with a few crushed nuts. A dash of artificial sweetener and mix everything. Yummmy... A few berries added for variation wouldn't be bad either...

Hope everyone's doing good, back later,

Hi everyone,

Welcome Maria. It's nice to have you with us. I also need to work on my diet daily. Weight watchers seems to help with my portion control issues. I didn't make it to my ww meeting last night since I had another meeting at my son's high school. I will weigh at the rec ctr later today.

This morning I did Kickmax as scheduled for the fatloss rotation. I see that Lorihart and nurselrt are doing this rotation as well. Those leg drills OH MY.....My buns were fried at the end there. I don't know how Jai keeps her leg out there.

Lorisax-don't feel old, I'm right close to you at 39, and my oldest son will graduate from high school next year.

Have a great day,


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