Summer Fitness Challenge 2/27-3/5

Hi again,

it's getting late here, but just wanted to add to Lisa and Lori I got the SBD book awhile ago too. I'm not following it to the letter, but I think it has good basic ideas behind it. The whole thing about keeping your blood sugar level in check, how to do it, watching the carbs etc. I'm anxious to hear what you think of it once you read / try it out!

Lori, yes, that's exactly how I feel; I have it in my head that I won't be able to lose weight with lots of cardio... Sometimes I really think I would be better off just taking the rest without guilt, and then having all that extra energy gathered up for the next time. I love those times when you just feel like jumping really high and putting that extra "umph" in your workout. It usually happens after enough rest and clean eating. (shouldn't be all that surprising...;))

Anyway, happy hoppings, as Cathe would say...;)))

Welcome Nicole!!

Lisa, I think the SBD is a great jumpstart. I think phase 2 is a little more realistic because you can have fruit, whole grains, etc.

Today I did LM. There must be a million lunges in LM! My legs were still a little sore from KM yesterday. I was sweatin'! LM was better the second time around. The choreography wasn't as tricky, so I could really concentrate on getting my HR up there.

Diana, I know what you mean about not enough weights in the fat loss rotation. This is the first time I have followed a rotation. I like having something set before me to follow. I hope I can maintain the muscle I do have with this fat loss rotation. I believe I can because I am feelin' it in the morning with KM, etc. After 4 weeks of fat loss rotation I may move to Endurance, and then building strength rotation. Or I may stick with fat loss for another 4 weeks if I like the results. :)

I hope everybody has a good day. Tomorrow is a run, 1 segment of CM, and 1 segment of SM. Eating has been going well.

Hi Everyone and Thanks for the Welcome wishes!

This morning was my walk/run. I'm in week one of following The Women's Book of Running's guide to starting a running program, and mixing that up with Cathe workouts. I took my puppy with me and she was feeling especially energetic, which would have been ok if she didn't want to lunge toward every other dog to go say hi! She is about 10.5 months old and weighs 84 pounds, so she doesn't look much like a puppy anymore, but sure acts like one! Needless to say, my workout was a disaster and it turned into mostly walk! So, I will need to make up for that later. I will likely sub another cardio this afternoon and then do an upper body and abs workout as scheduled. I'll check back in on that later.

My diet started off good. (key word - "started off") Had a protein shake after the walk this morning, only to follow that with ginger snaps and yogurt covered pretzels. UGH! Ok...damage is done...move clean the rest of the day, right? :9 I knew this would be the hardest part!

Lisa and anyone else reading SBD, I would be interested to hear how it goes and what the program is about. Please share after you get started.

Hope you all have a great day!

:D Nicole
I did PUB. Worked on Abs next and then leg toning exercises.
I think I fried my upper body and I am just not feeling "energized"...just very tired now.
Tomorrow I am going to do KPC...maybe I will get some energy then. Scary. :eek:

Nicole, that is cool you are doing a running program. I did a 12 week walk to run program. The goal of the 12 week program is to get to a point where you are running 45 minutes continuously. I never thought it would work but it did. I won't call myself a "runner", I am still a beginner, but I feel great. Running really changes the shape of the legs, not necessarily muscle bound, but definitely leans them out. I wouldn't call my thighs lean either, but much better than before I started running. :) It's all in the diet though. You could run a marathon and still not lose a pound of fat. Nutrition is key.
Wow there are a ton of posts here!

Shelley and all others new to our thread - welcome! Shelley, the reason that is happening is that as soon as you tell yourself you can't have something, you want it! That's why its good never to say never, but gradually cut back little by little!

I surprised myself and did a new workout this morning, GS Legs. It was great! Very different than other legs workouts, so now I have another leg workout to love! I only dread how sore I will be tomorrow when I need to do Stepblast!

Eating has been good today so far, and I am doing what I promised, being really aware that I do not want to eat after 8:00. I am not as stressed right now since its Thursday, so I'm not experiencing a strong craving for anything. Wish me luck!
Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome again anymore new comers!This thread is certainly picking up.
Well,I realized yesterday that the longer I put my workouts off, the less chance I have of doing them.But I was wiped yesterday.I had a nap when I got home at 10:30,then after dinner I had another 30 min nap and I just didn't have the energy to workout.I feel asleep again,11 on the couch,went to bed at 11:30 and got up at 8! I have to work tonight though:-( 24 hours from now I won't be feeling as energetic.
FFD-I agree with you on the "not aloud to eat that".Its like anyone concerning anything.If you tell a child not to touch something, the first thing he will want to do it touch it.

I went to a friends house yesterday and she made some healthy cookies.They had coconut,rasins,whole wheat flour,fresh pineapple...a mixture of things.It was sort of like trail mix.I think I am going to get the recipe.There may have been just enough sweetness to fight any cravings.:)

When I finish my coffee,I am going to do Low Max (Ive been saying this for 3 days now)Or is MM on the agenda for today? After that I will finish up mu laundry and after lunch I am going to run! I have had lots of sleep and there is no reason why I can't!
I will get go'in b/c if I sit for to long, I tend to get sleepy!:)
Welcome Shelley! You can do it.

FFD, looks like you are doing well. Good luck with the eating. :) I need it too. I had some pretzels yesterday, and I had to put real sugar in my coffee this morning because I can't find the Splenda. Where did it go? My little boy probably threw it away, he likes to do that. It's maddening. :)

Lorihart, have you done LM yet? I really like it.

Today I am supposed to run, and do one segment each of CM and SM. I stayed up too late last night so I will have to wait until dh gets home from work to run.

I have a warped thought process that if I think I am working out consistently and eating well I should be dropping pounds like crazy. It is a slow process. I want it all NOW. I am feeling better and down a few pounds, but I put on 4 or 5 since the last challenge, so I am back to where I started. The insantity. :)

Have a great day everybody!

Lori-This was my second time doing LM (I just finished)Besides for the times that I have doneit on the HC extreme dvd.I really enjoy it to.
I decided to do it in the living room(remember what I said about DH and me doing aerobics on the carpet)But the sound system is so much better.Anyways,he left the house and I didn't know what he was comming back.When he leaves he could be gone for hours.There is a window in the basement and I can see when he pulls in the driveway.So I decided to take my chances and workout in the living room.Well....I got busted in #6.I was almost all the way through it!(not that I was to worried):) He didn't pull right in the driveway so I didn't see his truck come home:eek: HAHA!
I also hear ya on the wanting to drop pounds quickly.I use to work with people who would get fustrated if they were on diets and not losing weight fast.They would want to throw it all down and I would talk them out of it and tell them the common sense stuff.Like it takes time,slower is better..etc...but when I cut back,I want to drop 5 lbs over night.Whats wrong with us?
Must go get a shower.
Lori-This was my second time doing LM (I just finished)Besides for the times that I have doneit on the HC extreme dvd.I really enjoy it to.
I decided to do it in the living room(remember what I said about DH and me doing aerobics on the carpet)But the sound system is so much better.Anyways,he left the house and I didn't know what he was comming back.When he leaves he could be gone for hours.There is a window in the basement and I can see when he pulls in the driveway.So I decided to take my chances and workout in the living room.Well....I got busted in #6.I was almost all the way through it!(not that I was to worried):) He didn't pull right in the driveway so I didn't see his truck come home:eek: HAHA!
I also hear ya on the wanting to drop pounds quickly.I use to work with people who would get fustrated if they were on diets and not losing weight fast.They would want to throw it all down and I would talk them out of it and tell them the common sense stuff.Like it takes time,slower is better..etc...but when I cut back,I want to drop 5 lbs over night.Whats wrong with us?
Must go get a shower.
Hi Ladies,

I'm trying to talk myself into GS upper body since I haven't done those yet. But I really want to do PUB. Too many choices I guess. Really, I need to do a total body wt w/o but can't decide which one of those either. My diet was poor yesterday, not with junk food, just over my daily points. Oh well, we all have these days.

Well I'm off to my basement to w/o, wonder which ones I will choose. I'll check back later and let you all know.

Welcome to all our new comers and keep up the good work everyone.

Hi Ladies,

I'm trying to talk myself into GS upper body since I haven't done those yet. But I really want to do PUB. Too many choices I guess. Really, I need to do a total body wt w/o but can't decide which one of those either. My diet was poor yesterday, not with junk food, just over my daily points. Oh well, we all have these days.

Well I'm off to my basement to w/o, wonder which ones I will choose. I'll check back later and let you all know.

Welcome to all our new comers and keep up the good work everyone.

Hi Ladies.....Today I did GS CT, and one of my Firm BSS3 Cardio's.
Eating has still been on track, so far. Probably won't check in much this weekend, I am going to be gone and very busy.

Welcome to all the newcomers!!!!!!
Hi Ladies,
I am at work now.My long weekend as just begun:-( 13.5 hours each night.Oh well.
I am not sure if I am tore up about this job yet.I know that it is a hell of alot better then where I was but I think it is going to take me a while to get use to shift work.Maybe I will feel better when I only have one job to go to.It is also going to be hard to control my eating in the night time.I guess I am going to have to bring popcorn or just tape my mouth shut:)
I did LM today,went to go for a nap but my friend came over for a chat,then I did a 4mile run.I felt energetic after that and I didn't need sleep.
I will probably check back later considering I have another 11.5 hours to go.
Hi Everydody :)

I ran 3.5 miles, walked one. Did a segment of CM. I didn't do SM even though it was on the schedule for today. I didn't run until 6:30 pm. I ran in my neighborhood. I came in and played with the boys, chatted with my husband. Then I finally did CM. I just didn't have the strength to do SM, even though it doesn't require strength. It is now 9:40 pm. I need sleep. :)

I made shrimp scampi linguine for dinner tonight. I wanted to make a treat for my hubby and boys. I told myself I wasn't going to have pasta, just the shrimp and salad. That didn't fly. I was scarfin' down a plate of linguine. Oh well. I thought I would be dragging on my run with a stomach full of pasta, but it went pretty good. Note to self: Don't make pasta for dinner, you can't resist. :)

Tomorrow is MM. I am looking forward to Sunday, nothing on the agenda except SM. I am also looking forward to a good day of eating tomorrow, since I went overboard today. Have a great night.

Today is my first day on Phase one of SBD!!! i am going to do this phase for 4 weeks since the only thing I was going to add back in was apples and hummus. Weighed myself and ws not pleased by the number - says I have to lose 69.5 pounds to hit my goal - gosh! I don't see that much weight on me, but the scale can't lie, right? So I've got my work cut out for me! :)

Planning an egg, some nuts, a stick of string cheese, grilled salmon over lettuce with lemon vinaigrette, and sirloing with grilled veggies today for meals. Planning IMAX3 for my workout (Cathe's hardcore fat loss rotation). Haven't done that one yet - ykes. planning to take a Billy Blanks enegry pill before I get started! :)

Wish me luck! My goal is to hit my target weight by July 15th and I can just about do it by my calculations, give or take a week. I want to look geat in my swimsuit and sundresses!

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