Summer Fitness Challenge 2/27-3/5

Diana, did you start your rotation on Sunday? I started on Monday, so today I did MM-nice workout.

LoriSax, sorry about your neck, I hope you didn't get a migraine :(

Lee Anne, congrats on the weight loss!!

Maria, I love berries and nuts together, it's such a great combo. I usually have it with yogurt. I need to pick up some cottage cheese, because that sounds yummy!

Lorihart, I probably shouldn't of ran yesterday, it was a bit overkill. I ran 2 miles. I am trying to get in shape for the 4 mile race I am running in towards the end of this month. I am not running again until Thursday (rotation), and then I may put another small run in on Saturday before I do MM again.

Like I said, I did MM this morning, it's a great workout. I feel so glad that it is over! Tomorrow KM is on the agenda--I haven't tried this one yet. I haven't even viewed it.

Have a great day,
Hi Girls,
Just a quick check in.I did MM tonight and a 4 mile run.Thats 7 miles in total today.I did have a couple of treats today and I wasn't tore up about that! I just get so bored at work and I don't know what else to do! Shame on me! Back on track tomorrow.Whats on the agenda for tomorrow? I hope its Low Max....I will go see...
Good Night
hah, another morning workout accomplished! Imax 2 this morning (I refuse to try new workouts except on weekends!). Have Leaner Legs planned for tomorrow (or maybe I will brave gym style legs), StepBlast for Friday, not sure yet for Saturday and Sunday.

Need to get eating under control - just need to cut 300 calories or so I think. Its stress eating too, as I have not been necessarily hungry for it. I am TOO BUSY and the attention my diet needs does not happen when my schedule gets like that. Somebody light a fire under me!!!

Everyone sounds like they are doing great! I can't wait to hear about the Hardcore results!
Good Morning,
I had a great sleep last night and the next two days are my easier ones:) I only work 3 hours today and 4 hours tomorrow.Its still a pain though b/c you have to be somewhere at some point in time so the day is never your own.I know I've said it before but I can't wait to only work one job!
I didn't get up and go for my run today.I was to busy sleeping and now I am sipping on my coffee.Kickmax is on the agenda for today but you know Im not doing that.So I am going to do something from the HC Extreme DVD(i think)and I may do a run after lunch.
FFD-I understand not trying new workouts until you have time.I always feel like its a waste of time if you do not get your heartrate up.The thing is, with Cathe, she will always do something to get your heart rate back up.
Eating was so-so yesterday but Iplan on doing better today.I have 29 days to lose 6 lbs.....could I lose more then that, I wonder!?
FFD,When I was working my days were long and stressful. After a exhausting day at work, all I wanted to do was come home to a big dinner. I am not really one to give advice because I am sure my eating habits are worse than yours. :) Have you tried to stop eating 3 hours before bedtime? They say that works.

I watched the documentary SuperSize Me last night with dh. My God, rent this if you want to never eat fastfood again! It was a great movie, very entertaining, and an eye opener. I think we all know intellectually that fastfood is bad, but on occasion I still eat it (pizza, hamburgers), and I do feed it to my kids sometimes. It's TERRIBLE!!

Lorihart, you are a ball of energy!

Eating has been going well the last few days. Last night I made chicken fajitas, but ate mine on a salad instead of tortillas. Tonight is London Broil, broccoli florets, and great northern beans. I feel really good. Today I will attempt KM. I will tell everybody how it went. I am feeling sore from MM yesterday, I might have trouble hoisting these big thighs in the air. :)

Just finished a 6 mile run.At around mile 4,I was getting lazy or bored.Probably a bit of both.So I decided to run fast for .20 of a mile and then walk for .10 and so on.Time went by a little faster AND I think I got my second wind.
I find a big difference if I don't eat in the night time.I know they say cals in cals out but I mean, if your eating and then lying down, you would have to think that you are just going to store the food?I don't burn anything while I am sleeping!
I saw supersize me.You could actually see his skin turninf green.He looked so sick.I would have felt horrible.I usually feel pretty crappy just after one day of bad eating.
I am going to try and do Low Max,a seg of core max and stretch max after lunch.Got nothing else to do.Its not a nice day here.Everything is covered in ice.
My dog is pregnant!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!

I am going to do Low Max today. I love that workout. I will also do a segement from CM.
Hi everyone!

Diana, thanks for Your welcome, I'm really glad to be checking in with everyone. I actually have managed my eating okay ever since I started to check-in. It's strange how just knowing you'll be telling someone how you've done can actually make you do better!

What I'm trying to do with my eating is keep the blood sugar in check, that is eat small enough portions, and a good balance of protein, complex carbos and good fats. Lots of veggies too, preferably raw. I find it helps to start for example dinner (where I usually have the hardest time keeping check, as I'm often starving by the time I get home...)with frest veggies cut up; carrots, celery, cabbage,tomatoes etc. They take a long time to chew, and by the time I've done that the worst hunger is over and done with. Also by the time I think I've had enough but still WANT more I just try telling myself I'll have something in a while if I still want it. Often the craving goes away by then. Hot tea also helps for some reason.

Anyway, this was my 6th day of eating okay (yahoo!). I'm thinking it's going so well I might not step on the scale just to be disappointed that I haven't lost enough. Maybe I'll wait 'til the end of March like somebody else here I think suggested...

Lori, I love MM too, I think it's a grea overall body workoukt!

Future fitness dynamo, I also find myself eating too much when busy or under stress. It just takes energy to eat good for some reason...;/ The chewing on raw veggies helps some, as it's something to do too...

Lorihart, wow, quite workouts there! Your running sounds awesome! I find interval running really tough, I'm always totally spent after. Then again, I really don't run that much...

Okay, gotta run, hope you all are doing well. Oh, I had a day off from working out today. actually felt good.

Maria S
Can I jump in on this one? I am trying to lose weight (like 60 pounds - at least that's what the scale and weight chart say... I don't see all 60 on me - shrug). I'd like to get the bulk of it off by July 15th. I just started Sunday and my eating was atrocious (sp?) until today. I started out today ok so far. I am doing CTX as is this week to kickstart me into a harder weight workout and fat loss rotation. Did AllStep this morning and aced it! Pretty pleased with myself over that! :)

I'm off to check out the Hardcore rotation!

Glad I saw this thread!
Hi Ladies,

Welcome Lisa. Glad to add another member to our check in.

NurseLRT-I actually did IMAX3 and MM on Sunday and took Monday off. Somehow got my days confused and did Kickmax on Tuesday-thinking it was Wed.

Not sure if I'm going to follow this rotation after all. I need more wts. I looked at the other 2 rotations she posted and decided I needed more cardio than what they offered. And I still have some HC I haven't opened yet. So, this morning I did HSC. I did like it, but not as much as HSTA. After I do it a few more times it will probably be just fine. I also haven't done either of the GS upper body or stretchmax. I'll just play it by ear this week and see if I can come up with my own rotation.

Just a thought-we could do all 3 rotations posted. 4 weeks muscle building, 4 weeks endurance, and 4 weeks fat loss.

Have a great day everyone!
I have tried not eating 3 hours before bed, and this works great when I have motivation and energy. Have you gals noticed how much energy it can take NOT to eat? To stick to your goals and be really aware at night that you have eaten enough calories or you don't want to eat carbs or eat 3 hours before bed? Its like when I'm stressed and tired and worked my butt off all day (yesterday was 9:00am to 9:00pm!), I don't have anything left to apply to these goals - I'm sort of on autopilot. I'm not compulsiveley eating or anything, just having some ice cream (which is not consistent with my goals) or non-clean foods that taste good. Its like by the time I've worked that hard, I'm telling myself I deserve to treat myself. I'm not hungry at all, and eating smaller meals earlier in the day really helps that. Its just a bit more than I should be eating and its eating not for energy's sake.

I'm going to try to really psych myself up when my day is done to remember my goals, and put something else indulgent in place of the food. FOr example, instead of forcing myself to look over lecture notes for the next day after a 10-12 hours day, I deserve to watch tv with all my focus on it, or to spend 30 minutes on the Cathe site, or listen to music, read, etc. Those are indulgent activities that are calorie free! Lets see how well it works!
Welcome Lisa!!! You can meet your goals! Stick with us. There are a lot of people with different goals on this check in. I myself want to lose some bulk too. :) Probably around 20 lbs. or so.

I did KM today. I loved it. I think I liked it because it wasn't complicated. My head wasn't ready for complicated today!! The blasts at the end were a killer. My dh did the workout with me today-partially. He didn't even make it to combo 2, and said, "I am am feeling a little light-headed." I laughed! He came back in while I was doing the jumpropes where you zig-zag, and said, "I am really impressed" I can't believe he couldn't make it. I did the entire thing except for the leg drills with the chair. It is an "easier" workout in my opinion-except for blasts which causes me to be drenced in sweat. I think I will do the leg drills with the chair this evening when my kids go to bed. My 4 year old was boxing with me too. He was so cute!

FFD, I hear ya!! I would work 7A to 7P. Wouldn't get home until 8. All I wanted was something delicious and fattening, like mac and cheese, hamburgers, etc. While I was at work, I would pile on the potato salad, mac salad on my green salad, with french dressing, and often I would get a couple cookies too. For me it was the last thing I wanted to do was to eat healthy when I was working my bum off at work. Bring on the fries, mashed potatoes, etc. But, it really didn't get me anywhere, except heavier. I was pregnant the last time I was working also, which was worse! Anyway, I am sure your eating habits are fine. A little ice cream never hurt anybody!

I have a nice little treat that may be an alternative to ice cream. Fat free chocolate pudding, or any flavor you like. The Jello kind that is in the individual cups in the refrigerated section. Microwave the cup for a few seconds, top with a dollop of low-fat of fat free cool-whip (I know cool-whip is not the healthiest thing). It's a warm little treat that is 100 calories. It's yummy! I like the 25 calorie hot chocolate too. While my dh is munching on popcorn, I can have a nice little hot drink and I don't feel so deprived.

I will stop talking!! Eating has been going very well! I am pretty much eating "clean". Until I get some more jello pudding. :)

Have a great night,
Do you have room for one more? I would really love to join you guys! I have some lofty goals myself - lots of weight still to lose and much fitness to be gained!

I joined Weight Watchers about a month ago and have lost 8 pounds so far, so at least that's a start. Cleaning up my diet is going to be the hardest part I can tell! Working out consistently is not a problem though :D .

I just started a running program (or walking/running is more like it) and I'm mixing that in with Cathe workouts. Just got my workout and eating journals together and I'm ready to go!!

Take care all and here's to a Great Workout!

:D Nicole
Hi everyone,

and welcome new people! I've only been checking in for about a week here, but am really enjoying it. Most of my friends aren't really into working out, and if I try to suggest something like clean eating together they either just don't get it or then just comment how "you don't need to lose any weight anyway...". They really don't get the fact that I really have to watch my eating all the time and workout frequently to stay here. Not to mention the 8 pounds I've managed to gain in just a short amount of time!!! So it's nice to have somebody to comment to about this stuff.

I did Muscle Max this morning. Felt great, not as tough as the first time. Then again, I did a CTX cardio beforehand last time which made it harder too. Second day of no cardio (yesterday was a day off), so I'm feeling kind of strange... I'm trying not to feel quilty about it and enjoy the rest. Anybody else feel guilty if not doing cardio for more than one day in a row?

Anyway, eating still okay. I really have to watch it at the time I get home from work, that's definitely the riskiest time for me! I need to keep munching on those veggies... any other good ideas?

Enjoy your workouts everyone!

Hi Ladies.....Welcome Nicole and Lisa. Nicole, I am doing WW's too. So far, I had lost 7 lbs., but last week, I went on a 4 day binge, and I am not stepping on the scale. I can feel it all piled on around my waist. Maybe by Monday, I will weigh myself. I have been doing it since Jan. 2nd. I would like to lose 7 more lbs. Then I would weigh 135. A very good, and healthy weight for me.

Today I am going to do TS GS BSB, and some cardio.

Take care everyone!!!!!!
Hi Everyone!!

I bought the South Beach Diet book last night and the plan really loks doable to me. I am going to try it starting on Sunday (I have a function on Sturday where there will be no healthy foods at all!). Two of my colleagues had success using SBD, so I'm going to try it!

That being said, I hate BAD last night. I had pasta with alfredo sauce! I don't know how well I'll do today either - or the rest of this week since I am starting SBD Sunday. I was supposed to workout this morning and tried to, but I only got 10 minutes in to CTX Power Circuit. :-( But it's ok! I am feeling excited about starting the plan and working out!

Hi Everyone,

Our group is growing. Welcome to all the newcomers. We all have different goals and we feel more accountable having to tell all regarding our exercise and diet.

This morning I did Imax 3. I started the week following the HC fat loss rotation but it doesn't have enough wt work for me. So I'm just wingin' it until I come up with my own rotation.

Have a great day,

Hi Everyone!
Welcome new people! Its great we are getting a little more action around here:) I love it! (Or like Paris and Nicole would say "loves it":) )
I worked last night until 11 and I worked again today at 6:30.So when I got home at 10:30,I crawled back into the bunk.I felt like I wasn't sleeping but I must have.I wouldn't have knowingly stayed there for an hour.
I still haven't gotten my workout it.I went to visit a friend and I just got home.I was thinking about working out now but DH is snoozing on the couch and I don't want to wake him.You people must think all we do is sleep? DH as a very busy job.He is not his own boss but sort of is.If he wants to take a day off he can, his office is in the house, which allows him to nap:) The big wigs are a 3 hour drive from us.

Lisa- I bought the SBD diet book.I loaned it to a co-worker and never saw it after.I think I should swing by her house and pick it up.
Maria-I always feel strange if I don't do cardio.I can manage one day but not two.I think I have it drilled in my head,that in order to lose or maintain weight, I have to do cardio.I think if I cut back on myeating it wouldn't be so bad.

I am not going to say what I plan on doing today.I am really leaning towards doing Low Max in a little while.And maybe a run tonight......I guess I did just say what I wanted to do.It just seems that when I aim for something, it doesn't get done.But if I wing it and have time on my hands, I do.:)
I will check back later,
Hi everyone:

I'm not entirely sure how this works, but it looks like a support group of sorts to me, and I could sure use that!

I've been lurking around the forum for about a month or so now and decided to get over my shyness and start posting.:)

Why is it that when you decide you need to lose 10 lbs, suddenly all you want to eat is chocolate and potato chips?

Can someone just give me a brief run-down on how this works? Thanks!

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