How many activity points is Cathe worth?


Does anyone know about how many WW points you can count lets say IMAX2 for? WHat about something like Muscle max or a gym style workout? THank you sooo much!!!
I always thought the activity points were an honor system in WW. I also thought the max "allowed" was 4 points? Is that right or is that just what I did?
I always just kind of said, 15 minutes of hardest exertion = 1 activity point. So, a half hour run was 2 points.
I wouldn't probably count, for myself, a weight-only workout to be more than 2-3 points. Like I said, I thought it was kind of an honor system.
Just like anything, I think it's hard to cheat yourself and not end up losing, you know? ;) Good luck!
One hour of high intensity activity is worth 7 points for someone weighing between 130 and 150 lbs.

Moderate intesity for one hour is 3 points.

WW has a sliding scale so that you can calculate workouts.
I have a HR monitor on and I consistently burn between 350 and 400 calories with a step tape. According to WW's, an hour of step aerobics counts 6 pts. I don't think that is quite enough, though, because a point is basically 50 calories. I don't ever use my pts. ...just like to see how many I can get in a week. :)

Lee Anne
The 7 points I mentioned earlier came from a WW exercise points calculator.

Points are calculated using amount of fiber, grams of fat and the calorie content per serving of food. It's difficult to say how many calories a point amounts to since there are three variables in determining that.

If a WW point were 50 calories then anyone weighing 140 lbs or less would only be allowed to eat 1000 calories a day.

Stick with the sliding scale method and you'll be right on.
I don't care what kind of "sliding scale" WW had. I still count 8 points for an hour of high intensity, 6 for 45 minutes, 4 for 30 minutes.

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