Any benefits from just "Standing"

I have been working sales this past week and into this week as well. Just wondering if there are any benefits from just standing and moving around alot? My butt and legs are usually sore in the evening, not to mention my back which is usually achy from standing on concrete flooring all day long.
I hate that I don't have much time to workout now or eat 6 times a day, but I am not going to doing lower body workouts until I am done with the sales because my lower body is already sore.
So do I still get any benefits from just standing? Just wondering.
RE: Any benefits from just

Moving around alot? Yes.

Standing? No.

Of course, if you move more you are better off. Conversely, the more you stand IN ONE SPOT the worse off you are. I believe however that it is better for you than sitting.

Don't tell me you are thinking in weight loss terms, Charlotte!????
RE: Any benefits from just

Janice- NO! Not trying to lose weight. Just feel depressed that I don't have the time to workout now. Can't wait until the sales are over with.
RE: Any benefits from just

I saw something about this just the other day, I believe, on the Today show. The doctor said that if you would do the things you normally do sitting standing up, you would boost your metabolism. I can't remember how much, but it was a good bit more.

Lee Anne

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