Planter Warts

Regarding the placebo effect: I heard that someone could "buy" your wart, and as long as you didn't spend the $0.25 it would go away and never come back.

Otherwise apple cider vinegar is supposed to work.
You're going to think this is crazy, but it really does work. A lady from my Bible study told me to do it. My son had a huge one on the ball of his foot. He plays tennis and it was to the point that it was interfering with his game. I was telling her this and she said to cover the wart with a slice of a potato. Place a bandaid over it to hold it in place and the wart would disappear. My son and I were quite skeptical about this, but decided to give it a try, since he didn't want to miss tennis. We did it for two nights, then kept forgetting to put it on. It turned black and then disappeared. It really did give it a try.:7 Let me know if it works for ya'll.
LeAnne, I have the potato slice on her foot right now. We will see how it works. Thanks for another idea.
My DD had one last fall that would not go away. It was on the bottom of her foot and I could not get duct tape to stay on for more than an hour. I started using OTC meds, but they didn't do much of anything, except hurt! My dad came to visit over Christmas and brought along some liquid band-aid sealant because his skin splits on his fingers in the winter. I tried it on DD's foot and within two weeks it was gone. The stuff is waterproof and I just reapplied it nightly after her shower and it didn't cause her any pain at all. I think it must suffocate the wart similar to tape, but adheres better.
It is cheap and perhaps worth a try!

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