Planter Warts

>That explains why mine bled when, as a child of around 8 or 9,
>I plucked mine out using a needle and a pair of tweezers--lol!
>I worked at it for a long time but it didn't hurt too much.
>ETA that I've never had another wart.;)
Mine didn't bleed, but I used to dig them out with a sterilized needle, and they never came back.

For plantar's warts, I've heard that many home remedies (like rubbing a raw potato on them) will work if you believe they will. For some reason, they respond well to the placebo effect.
Red Green is on PBS?! That's hilarious!

I can't believe your doctor told you it would go away on it's own. I've never heard that before, and would think that leaving it would only allow it to grow deeper into the foot, and probably spread. Definitely treat it, and let us know if the duct tape method works for her. I went through the freezing-at-the-doctor's-office method, and it H-U-R-T!!!!! I wouldn't want to have to put my young children through that.

Good luck!
I once had one, and it got reallly big, then it multiplied into about 30 small ones on my foot---gross, gross, gross! The funny thing, is I never got one on the opposite foot. Therefore I don't believe that they are easily contracted in the shower, etc. I bought an over the counter creme at the drug store, smeared it on every day religiously, and every last one went away within a month. Easy and painless. That was 10 years ago and I've never had one since.
I had one about 8 years ago, on my right heel. I tried just about everything to get rid of it besides going to a podiatrist, but those things are seriously stubborn, and 8 months later, I'd had no success. Because it had gone that long without being cured, I wasn't able to walk properly on my heel because it was painful, the wart had gotten so large and deep. I eventually had to go to a podiatrist to get it cut out. He told me that in 99.9% of cases, over-the-counter plantar wart therapies don't work, and patients end up having to have them excised surgically anyway, just because of the nature of the wart.

I'd say best to just take her to the podiatrist and get it over with, rather than have it go on and on and on to the point where walking is painful. I had developed a limp and it took me a good 3-6 months to walk normally again after it was removed.
THe doctor said it didn't need to be removed because it would just go away by itself or I could try some otc medicine. Thanks for all everyones help.

Kathryn, if you read this again, I know you use grapefruit seed extract for washing vegetables, it is an antibacterial and antiviral healing agent isn't it?
>Kathryn, if you read this again, I know you use grapefruit
>seed extract for washing vegetables, it is an antibacterial
>and antiviral healing agent isn't it?

Yes, it is! And a little goes a long way.
Get online & order some medicine called Plantarstat. It done wonders on my plantar wart. I bought several kinds of wart medicine in the store & it did not help it none. But i went online & reading about plantar warts & came across the plantarstat medicine & ordered it. I used it like it said for 2 weeks & my plantar wart was completely gone.
I'm not recommeding this at all, I just want to share my one and only plantar's warts story :p

A good friend of mine had these when I was around 9. Her mom would burn them quickly with a match and then scrape the wart off with a razor. I'm assuming this was done per doctor's advice. After a while she got so used to them she just did it herself. Used to give me the tingles.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Python, I will try ordering some of that. The duct tape wont stay on her foot, no matter how I attach it. I'ts beginning to get frustrating. She keeps coming to me and saying the bandage came off agan. I don't know how it will suffocate the wart if I can't keep the duct tape on. Thanks for everyones help. I realy do appreciate everybody.
>How do you tell the difference between a plantar's wart and a

A plantar's wart has a center. A callous is just a raised area of rougher skin.

Okay, I'm back. Just to say that I would like to revoke my earlier statement about the OTC freezing stuff not working. I checked my DD's feet tonight and her warts have all turned dark and most of them fell off. Which is really gross, but there you go. They're kind of like scabs and when they come off they leave a sort of dent in her foot, but the core is gone. There are two left that aren't quite ready to come off yet, but I expect they will in the next couple of days.

She only had two applications of the OTC stuff and it's been a while since she had the last one, but I guess it works slowly but surely.

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