Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 21-28


Good Morning Everyone,
Ready to start a new week? I guess today could be the start of the "newer challenge" for some of us.I said I was starting on Friday but I sort of got distracted at work and I ate things I shouldn't have eaten.Being my first night shifts EVER....forgive me?:)
I was thinking just now, wouldn't it be nice if we set little goals through out the week? The big picture may seem so far away.My two mini goals are to eat as clean as possible AND to see the scale go down a little this week.The two of those goals go hand in hand.

FFD-I just took my measurements wherever I was the thickest as well.You probably didn't do it wrong.My sister as the same problem as you have with clothes.She is just like my moms side of the family and they have hips.I am like my dads side and I don't have a big waist to hip ratio.I feel bad for her when she is trying to find pants.It certainly gives you guys a nice waistline though.It doesn't look like I have one unless I lose about 5 lbs.

LeeAnne-I love Muscle Max.I did it saturday but I wasn't sore on Sunday.That was my second time doing it.I really like the new series.I know I have said it a million times but I mean it:)

How are the two Lori's doing? You have been pretty quiet over the last couple of days.

I made up a rotation last night.Its only up until the end of March.I printed off some blank calenders and wrote in what I intend on doing everyday.I couldn't follow I set pattern b/c I never work the same days in the run of a week.So I just have each GS workout,once every week, one Muscle Max or a circuit workout and cardio 6 days a week.I just wrote cardio on my calender but I will choose from the HC series and running.On the days when I am off, I am planning on working out in the morning and then going for a run in the evening.And days when I just do cardio I plan on doing abs longer.

So today is going to be GS Back,Bic and Shoulders and cardio.I am thinking I may do Imax 3.I had bit of a nap here last night.3 hours maybe.Its 5:41 here now.I will stay awake now until I get home and go to sleep and I will workout after lunch.

I will check back later, sorry do long...
Hi everyone, I am back. I just had a busy weekend. My eating was not good, I probgably doubled my points Sat., and Sunday. I am back on track today. Today I am going to do GS B,S,B, then some cardio. Probably BC, LB and Cardio.

I read the skinny celebrity thing only because someone emailed me and brought it to my attention. I usually don't read alot of the posts on these forums anymore, unless it is something that really interests me. So many of the good, knowledgable people are gone. Ever since Cathe has been on FitTv, these boards have become a fiasco. That is only my personal opinion, but truthfully, I like the Ya-Ya's boards much better. I wish Cathe would clean it up a bit. Anyway, just my personal opinion. I am glad we have each other, and we don't attack each other the way so many of these other people do.

Well, I am off. Have some office work to do, visit my Ya-Ya's, and then work out. Talk to you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Good Morning,

Lorihart, your rotation sounds really great. I like your idea of mini-goals. Mine is the same this week. By next Monday morning I want to lose a couple pounds.

FFD, I think you are measuring correctly. Measure at the widest part of your body when you are measuring hips.

I did lowmax yesterday. Yesterday was hectic. My dh works on weekends, so I got lowmax in when ds was napping. It's a good workout, still learning the step combos. I used to be the aerobic queen back in the day. I like to run for cardio lately so it's a little difficult to learn. When she turns around, I am like ok, where am I? :)

I have to say my eating has been off this weekend. I slipped and ate carbs after 2. I can't eat anything, the scale is up 5 pounds!! I guess that's the way it goes though. I was so thrilled because the scale was the lowest it's been in a while and then I ate a couple good meals and I am 5 pounds heavier! I have been reading "A Year In Provence", the food descriptions are so beautiful it puts me in the mood for fresh baked bread and other bad things. :) I will check in later. I think today is running and upper body.

Leanne, I also wanted to say congratulations of your cash flow!! Way to go. I wish I could say I were in your shoes. I have been overindulging this weekend. Keep up the good work. Don't let yourself get too hungry. That's when things fall apart for me. Have an apple or something. I should take my own advice. :)

Have a great day,
Hey everyone,

Here are my measurements, as embarrassing as they are. I'd say I'm a little thick around the middle. I'm hoping to get about 6 inches off of the core area...maybe a little more off of the waist.

Waist 33.5
Hips 39
Thigh 22.5
calf 12.75
arm 11
chest 38.75

Thanks, Lori for the congrats. It's not mine yet...but it will be soon. How's that for positive thinking?:) Being hungry wasn't my problem yesterday. I think it was more like nervous energy. My MIL had made some brownies and I was dying for one of them, but I ate popcorn and grapes instead. I am feeling much better today. I ate Fiber One, blueberries, and OJ for breakfast and plan on eating taco soup for lunch. Boy, I love that stuff. I think I'll go do Step Jam now. I better get it in, because the family wants to go see a movie this afternoon. I will NOT eat movie popcorn...I will NOT eat movie popcorn. :p

Lorihart...I am very sore this morning, but I'm sure I'm not in the shape you are in. I do like that feeling, though...makes me feel like I did something. I'd like to find a shorter barbell than I have...maybe four feet....and one that has clips. I have to unscrew the one I have to change weights and it takes too long.

Have a great week with all the challenges and goals. :7

Lee Anne
Good Morning Ladies,

Sounds like we all ate a few things we shouldn't have this weekend. It was my youngest sons Birthday party, he is 9 years old today. Anyway I had movie popcorn-no add'l butter, pizza, pop and ice cream this weekend. And to top it off, it TOM. Oh well...Saturday was my day off, Sunday was Bodymax and today will be cardio at the gym. I will also need to write out a rotation. I'm kinda holding out to see what Cathe posts for the March rotation. Hopefully it will be a HC rotation.

Have a great day everyone,

HI Ladies,
Just finding a few minutes to sit down.I napped today until 12.Then I worked out from 1-3:30.I did GS Back,Bic,Shoul,20 min of core max and I did Imax 3.It was a good workout.Tomorrow I plan on doing chest and tri and a run.I can't think of doing those drop sets for push ups again! Those were hard.And they really got my abs sore to.
Other then that,not a whole lot happening here.Just me working!DH keeps asking me to do things and go places and I can't.We were going to get U2 tickets and I am working,then he wanted to go away this week for a night but I can't do that either.I just started a new job and I don't think it is fair for me to be asking for time off already.And there isn't enough girls there to get shifts switch around.Besides for that,I don't want to be pegged as the girl who is gonna cause havic.
Anyway,I will check back tomorrow!
Hi all,

I ran 2 miles and power walked 2 miles. It was a beautiful day today. So gorgeous to be outside. It makes me want to go shoe shopping--for sandals.

I have a question, how many times per week does everybody work upper body? I want to do Gym style back, shoulders, and biceps tonight. Would you do triceps and chest tomorrow? Or would you do legs tomorrow, and then triceps and chest the following day?

I am going to try to run 5 or 6 times a week to prepare for the 4 mile race I am doing in March.

This would be my ideal weekly plan:
Monday, run for cardio, back, shoulders, biceps
Tuesday, run for cardio, triceps and chest
Wednesday, run for cardio, gym style legs
Thursday, core max
Friday, run for cardio, muscle max or High Step Challenge
Saturday, KPC or Imax 3
Sunday, run for cardio

I am new to planning rotations, so any tips would be appreciated. I don't know if I am setting it up correctly.

Have a great night,
Lori-I plan on doing chest and tri tomorrow.It should be o.k as long as your tri aren't sore from working UB the day before.I plan on doing every body part twice a week,GS and MM.And maybe in April I may start working tri,bic and shoul,3 x a week.I'll show you what my rotation looks like, everyday isn't the same but you'll get the idea.It all depends on what i am working that day.
Mon-Cardio + GS B,B,S
Tues-Cardio + GS C,T+ abs
Wed- Cardio + abs + run in the evening
Thurs-Cardio + GS Legs + run in the evening
Fri- Cardio + Abs
Sat- Cardio + MM
Sun- Off

Some weeks I may add more running.
You ladies are going to be buff! Look at all the muscle work!

I don't remember who said what, but one Lori mentioned Lowmax being confusing in one part, I agree. She somehow ends up on the other side of the board as me (NurseLT?). And Lorisax, I agree about the forums -I find I don't read them much anymore except this one. I haven been around that long, but back in the summer the forums were so different. I am also really glad that we all seem to be nice, supportive people. I wish people who don't seem to enjoy interacting with others would just stay away.

Tried my HR monitor tonight, and my heart rate got up to 199 during the Stepblasts! I thought I was going to die! I think I'm changing my carb thing slightly - namely, I'm going to try to isolate my carb intake to my pre and post workout meals. I've read eating carbs after a workout is actually important to helping your body take nutrients into your cells.

Taking tomorrow off - my mini goal is to complete 6 workouts this week (3 down, 3 to go!) and to monitor carbs like I said above. Nite!!!
Good Morning Ladies,
Guess where I am? At work again! Blah,blah,blah.Prehaps some day we will not spend so much money and then only one person will have to work.That one person being ME of course.:)
Seems like it could be an o.k day.There are a few things on the go.
Yeah,I have noticed that there are a few new names around here.Some of them just causing trouble.I don't understand some people.Didn't eveyones mother teach them,if you got nothing nice to say,don't say anything at all? I am a firm beleiver that our attitudes are a result of the people who raised us.
Anyway,I will check back later,
FFD, I got a HRM, too, and I looked down one time, and my hr was in the 180's. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, too. LOL I am still amazed at the amount of calories I'm burning. Does anyone use a body mass calibrator? If so, which one? Well, I weighed today and had lost 1.5 lbs. I was a little disappointed, because I thought since it was the first week back, I would have lost more. I'm telling myself that it's low because I've been building muscle. My total weight loss from when I began a while back is 8lbs.

Have a great day! I think I'll try HC Low Max today and then one of the HC Core workouts.

Lee Anne
Wow FFD, you are pumping!!

Leanne, congrats on the weight loss, that is awesome.

Well, I hate to admit it. I never did upper body last night, I was sooo tired. Today is running again and a full upper body workout. I should of just got started last night, I would of finished and felt great. I will check in later.

Hi Ladies....I did GS C&Tri's today, plus KPC cardio conditioning. I just love that premix, and even tho the HC's are here, I can't do without it.

I am going to get a haircut today. I need it!!!! I saw a post on Oprah today. It comes on here at 3, or 4, I will make sure I watch it today.

I am feeling like a beached whale today!!!!!!!
Good Morning Ladies,

This morning was MIC, and I felt great afterwords. I get so bloated during TOM that I miss 1 to 3 days of working out. I'm just so uncomfortable. Do you have any suggestions for me? It has been getting worse and worse for last several years. Used to be I could still workout, but now I'm in so much pain that I just take pain killers, diuretics and lay in bed with a heating pad.

Have a great day all,

Wow! Have ya'll done Low Max yet? I thought is was going to be easier than some of the ones I've done. Ummmm...I don't think so. In fact, I burnt more calories doing it than the others...532. Can you believe that. I kept my HRM on for another 20 min. and had gotten up to 570 calories. My thighs are rubber!

Thanks for the congrats, Lori.

LoriSax...have fun getting a haircut. Are you getting a new style?

Diana, I wish I had some advice for you, but I have never had that problem.

Lee Anne, I agree about LowMax - my legs were fried! I was actually sore from it and my butt felt really firm!!!! And trust someone who is the Queen of Plateaus, just be glad that number is going down!

LoriSax, tell me about this KPC premix! I've decided I'm not using premixes enough, and it sounds like you're having fun with this one...

Diana, I'd consult my doctor - how old are you? (You don't have to answer, but is menopause a possibility? Maybe there is something hormonal they could prescribe that would help...)

Today was my rest day, and since I was at work from 9:00 til 8:00 I feel just fine about that! Tomorrow morning is arms or legs, whichever I want. Probably arms...Eating ok, I'm not concentrating enough on it probably. Will weigh Thursday morning to see!
Good Morning Ladies,
I didn't check in last night and do you want to know why? Because I didn't have anything to report and I didn't want to see it in writing:eek: ;-) I got off of work at 6:30 and then I had to pick my daughter up from her babysitters.By the time I got home it was 7:30 and I hadn't had any dinner yet.I wasn't that hungry but DH was starving.I have been working alot lately so I figured I should sit and eat with him.Then I fell asleep on the couch around 10:30. i asn't to worried b/c I have a bit more flexibility this week and I know I will get my weight training in no sweat.
While we are on the topic of TOM, I can't beleive how weird mine is this month.I started a week early(weird).Normally I am very heavy in the beginning but I wasn't (weird).By the time the 4-5th day rolls around I am almost finished.But this time I was light in the beginning and I got a rude awakening when I woke up today.It was my heaviest day yet and (not to be gross)but I was in a mess!I don't understand.At the start of this one, I thought it was just going to be a light one.But it seems like its backwards! I am now on my 6th day and go'in stronger then ever.I hope no one is eating their breakfast,sorry!:eek:
ANYWAYSSSSSSS, today of course is what I didn't do yesterday.I am thinking of heading up to the mall and buying a new pair of sneakers.I was also hoping I would get 2 cardios in today.I woke up early today (thanks to the above paragraph)but thats o.k b/c I am working the night shift again tonight and I may be able to catch a nap this afternoon,
Sorry for writing a book!
Good Morning,

It seems like everybody is doing great! I didn't do anything yesterday. My day was jam packed and I didn't fit it in. I know that's not an excuse! We had dinner with family last night. My husband's aunt is her from New England. She is in her mid sixties, runs 5 miles every morning, walks to work, and lifts weights. She looks great!!

I will check in later--with good news to report. :)

About the TOM, mine is heavy and gross. I find it very difficult to run the first 2 days. Weren't you dying to know that?

Hi Ladies,

This morning I did MIS as I really felt the need for a total body workout. Plan on doing some kind of cardio at the gym later today.

I will be seeing my gyno next month. Hopefully he can do something for my problems. I am 39 and have 28 day cycles-very regular schedule. Just very heavy periods, lots of pain and bloating. A hysterectomy sounds very good to me.

Lori-what an inspiration your dh's Aunt is. I want to be able to run 5 miles everyday when I'm 65, and lift weights to boot!!

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